Chapter 79- Saved By The Bell

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Monday morning shows up way to quick

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Monday morning shows up way to quick. I feel like the only thing I did this past weekend was go to Kain's surprise birthday party. I also feel like I skipped right by Sunday. Like, Friday night was a blur, Kain's party, Sunday blur and now it's Monday morning.

Oh wait.

Actually, I do remember Sunday now that I think of it. Sunday, Mom lectured me about the dance show Raven put on at the party. She said that Raven and I should be more considerate of others and dancing like that is not permitted at the warehouse or anywhere in her line of vision, and that was unacceptable. I apologized on both mine and Raven's behalf then Mom proceed to ask me about Raven.

I told her that Kain's party was mine and Raven's first date and Mom's eyes almost fell out of her head. She said that was our first date and we were already dancing like that? Then she shook her head and asked wait was wrong with my generation. I didn't tell Mom the reason behind Raven and me getting together and honestly, I wasn't planning on ever telling Mom about Raven.

See, in my head, I figured that Raven and I would just go on a few dates, kiss a couple times then that'd be it and we'd be history before I needed to tell anyone about us. Buuuuuut, Mom used her Mom superpowers to detect that there's something else. I tried to act normal and beat around the bush as long as possible but I eventually confessed and told her the truth about how Raven and I got started. Mom wasn't mad but she was disappointed, I could see it in her features.

I don't think she could understand how I could go along with Hazyl's little game. She raised me to use my words and to voice how to feel. She knows I want to be with Hazyl. I told her that I didn't want to go out with anyone other than Hazyl but Hazyl is the one that insisted we see other people, I'm only doing this to prove that I'm willing to jump through any hoop Hazyl wants until she's ready to open her heart to me again.

Mom told me to make sure I'm using my head, not just my heart then she ended the conversation with "The heart wants what the heart wants."

Which is... true? My heart wants Hazyl but Hazyl's heart isn't sure what it wants. The more I think about it, the more I kind of so remember yesterday so pretty much what I said at the beginning isn't the truth. I remember going to the warehouse to see the day after damage Kain's party caused and when I went inside the building, the entire upstairs where the party took place, was completely cleaned.

I was amazed.

Everything Luke, Tawny, Grey, Myles and Boo put up is now transformed and back to how it was. The garbage is changed, the bar countertop is polished to perfection, the floor is cleaned, there isn't any sticky spots or any residue from the cake fight Kain and his friends had. The place is spotless.

I texted Luke, asked him if he and the other guys were here at the warehouse. He said yeah, they were, they cleaned up and put everything back to how it previously was. I told him the place looks amazing and they did a great job at cleaning. He texted me back a thank you and that pretty much ended our little conversation.

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