Chapter 31- Nate's Best Man

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"Are you sure it was Ember buying it?" I question Ardyn intently

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"Are you sure it was Ember buying it?" I question Ardyn intently.

"Yes. You know those people you see and you can tell right away they sell drugs? Well, that guy definitely sells and Ember definitely was buying. And I know it was Ember because, well, everyone with eyes can recognize her." Ardyn explains back while we stand at his locker.

I sigh, pinch the bridge of my nose then look around the corridor and spot Hazyl walking towards us alone. "Hey, Hazyl." I say as I jog up to her.

"Hey." She says causally back with a smile.

"Have you talked to or heard from Ember recently?" I ask, not trying to sound suspicious.

She thinks it over for a second then says, "No. She does her own thing and I do mine." With a small shrug of her shoulder.

I nod my head and furrow my brows. "H- How is she doing?"

"She's still pinning over Cooper. Why, what's up?" Hazyl turns to me.

We stop walking and stand face to face. I glance quickly at the floor and shake my head then look back at her. "U- Uh, nothing." I'll have to dig a little deeper with the whole Ember thing. She couldn't haven't been buying drugs, could she? The odds are quite possible. Ember has a lot of freedom. Her Dad is gone 25 days out of the month. Her stepmom barely speaks to her. What could be so bad in Ember's life for her to result to hard drugs? I look at Hazyl and realize that her little lapdog is nowhere in sight. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Hazyl rolls her eyes. "What boyfriend? I don't have one anymore." She looks away from me and folds her arms over her chest.

I can't deny the spark of excitement I feel inside knowing that Turner and Hazyl are not together anymore. On one hand I'm happy, then on the other hand I don't want to know what happened between them.

The ten minute bell rings, making us cut the conversation off. "Oh. Well, I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Okay. Bye!" Hazyl says and with that, I turn around and walk the other way.

I really need to find Ember. If she's going through something she needs to know that I'm here to help and she isn't alone. She can talk to me. I climb the staircase, taking two steps at a time. I make my way to her locker and see her standing there.

"Ember, hey." I say as I approach her.

She turns her head and greets me with a awkward, shy smile. "Oh, hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just seeing how you're doing." I answer and shove my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.

Ember rolls her eyes but something inside her locker is apparently so interesting that she can't look at me. "So now you wanna see how I'm doing? You know that the last time we talked was when I told you Cooper left, two fucking weeks ago, Scott." She chokes on her words and fights back being emotional.

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