Chapter 4- Big Risk And Opened Your Heart

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Well, if you guessed that I would have another fucking nightmare then you're right, congratu-fucking-lations

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Well, if you guessed that I would have another fucking nightmare then you're right, congratu-fucking-lations. Since Ayla left Dalton, all my nightmares are about her. Instead of my Mom being beaten by Davis, it's Ayla and that makes it ten fucking times worse. I can't fathom the thought of anyone hurting Ayla, it makes my skin crawl.

You mean, besides you? My fucking annoying subconscious says.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and see if Ayla miraculously texted me back but of course, nothing. I fucking hate this silence. It's like she's dead or something. One day I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie with her then the next I have absolutely no contact with her. I miss her voice. For some reason, I bring up my camera roll, which is fucking pointless because I have zero pictures or videos of her on here.

I really wish that I took at least one photo of her. Just so I can stare at her picture all day or maybe so I can jerk off to it, I don't know. I can't even look on her Instagram because she fucking blocked me. I could ask Scott to send me pictures of Ayla from her Instagram account but that would be fucking weird so I decide against it. Times like this I wish I had pictures of Ayla, just seeing her face relaxes me and brings me some sort of peace. Fuck, I hate how soft I've become.

I walk in school and I see Scott coming out of the front office. Wait, Scott? What the fuck is he doing here? Shouldn't he be in Rochester or something? I look at him twice to see if it's actually him. Holy fuck, it is him.

Scott's up ahead of me so I speed walk, catch up and walk beside him. "Okay. So, I have... Three questions for you. Ready?" I nudge him, getting his attention.

We weave through the crowd of people. Scott looks at me with his brows furrowed. "Wait, is that your first question?"

I shake my head. "No, now shut up. Number one: What the fuck happened to your hair?" I say and point to his head, gesturing to his buzz cut. That's one of the reasons, I didn't think it was him at first. He's hair is so fucking short, I've never seen him with such short hair.

Scott laughs and runs his hand over the little amount of hair he has left. "Cut it and left it behind in Rochester." He answers.

"Whatever, man. Now, my second question: What the hell are you doing back here? You were gone for, what, three fucking days?" That's about the same amount of time we spent in Rochester for that tourney last year, the Rochester Rumble. I heard that Hazyl gave Scott a Handie on the bus, don't know if it's true or not. If it is true, he wasn't the only one to get that kind of attention. I fingered Ayla on the bus ride home, she bit the fuck out of my arm to silence herself but it was worth it.

"I, uh... I guess it's the right choice right now. How's our... Um, Davis holding up?" Scott answers my question with a question of his own.

I blow out a raspberry. "Well, he's still alive, I guess. I haven't gotten a call yet that says otherwise so..." I say not looking at Scott. We stop in the hall where it splits into a crossroad and come face to face. "All right, my last question. Do you take back all the fucking I'll miss you and you're my brother shit now that you're back?" I say with a small smile.

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