Chapter 67- Leighton's Gone

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"So how are things going with Brent?" I ask Ayla on Monday morning

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"So how are things going with Brent?" I ask Ayla on Monday morning.

"Things are good. Fun." Ayla smiles at me but her smile doesn't look convincing.

"You two have been on quite a few dates, eh? Are you two officially official yet?" I nudge Ayla with my right elbow. I look to my right at Ayla and see her cheeks are a dark shade of red.

Ayla keeps her head straight for a bit then she turns to look up at me. "We are, actually. We make it official at dinner on Saturday."

We make it to Ayla's locker. She opens her locker while I lean my right side against the locker. "Jeez, thanks for the update. i thought you would've called and told me." I stick out my bottom lips in a dramatic act.

Ayla fake gasps and puts her left hand over her chest. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you actually want me to call you to discuss my love life?" She finishes her fake act and goes back to her normal self.

I raise my eyebrows at her. "Love life, huh?" I repeat her words.

Ayla's eyes go wide when she realizes that's the words she used. She shakes her head and I can tell she's mentally slapping herself for her word choice. "Not love life. Whatever, you know what I mean. It's a figure of speech." Ayla dismiss this part of our conversation then she looks inside her locker.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay to let yourself go there with Brent. Besides, it's better than waiting around for you know who to smarten up and get back to his old self." I sigh. I honestly miss the old Kain. I miss my brother. I grew to like Kain, just to have him get snatched away by fricken Nolan.

Ayla slowly turns to me and looks at me. "Trust me, I'm nowhere near the love word with Brent. And speaking of Kain, did you hear what he did to Boo?"

I knit my brows together and shake my head. "No? Why, what did you hear?" I ask, even though I have a feeling I probably shouldn't.

Ayla glances us around to make sure no one is listening then she moves closer to me. "He got Boo arrested." She says in a low voice.

I give a skeptical look, not fully convinced. "Yeah, right. Kain wouldn't go that low. Boo is Kain's best friend. Who did you hear that from?"

"The other guys in Kain's friends group. I told Luke to keep me updated with anything Kain so he called me and told me last night." Ayla looks at me with big eyes and I know she's telling the truth.

Okay, now I'm convinced. Damn, that's mean. Kain is really making a mess out of his life and with the relationships with the people around him. Pretty soon, no one will want to be around him but that's probably what he wants. What Nolan wants and is making Kain do.

"Wow, that's... heartless. I- I- I- I don't even know what to say." I shrug my shoulders.

Ayla bites the inside of her cheek and her bottom lip slightly quivers. "I'm worried about him, Scott. I thought heh'd be like this for a little while, a few weeks tops but he's getting out of hand." The words rush out of Ayla's mouth.

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