Chapter 17- We Need You, Clutch

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I went to visit Nate last night, just to check up on him and he told me that apparently Clutch never got his Tonsils out, like originally planned

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I went to visit Nate last night, just to check up on him and he told me that apparently Clutch never got his Tonsils out, like originally planned. Remember when Davis coached us for a game and we ended up losing, because I couldn't finish the play and nail the shot. I hit the post and we lost the game by one. Our first and only loss this season. I guess the surgery is super serious because of Clutch's age and the risk of him being put to sleep is risky.

Nate said he's been pushing Clutch to go in and get it done but he isn't having any luck. I'm not completely sure why or what happened as to the reason behind Clutch not getting the surgery. But I'm on my way to Clutch's office at the school to give it a try.

Clutch has two different offices. One at the LB arena and one in the basement of the High School.

I walk down the stairs to the basement and turn left. As I approach Clutch's office, I notice that his door is open. I stand at the threshold and see Clutch sitting behind his desk, rubbing his neck where his Tonsils are. I knock twice, getting his attention. "Hey, coach." I say in a chipper tone and nod my head once, as a sign of greeting.

Clutch puts his hand down and looks over at me. He must know something's up, I don't normally just pop in and have a chat. "Scott." Is all he says with zero emotion.

"H- How are you feeling?" I lean against the doorframe. Treading lightly.

"If I had a tail, I'd be wagging it." He says with pure sarcasm and a fake smile then it fades and he sighs. "Is there a reason you came to see me this morning?" Clutch eyes me suspiciously.

I bite the inside of my cheek and shrug my right shoulder. " Well... Yeah. I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about the surgery you never got. I was talking to Nate last night and he told that you-"

Clutch cuts me off by slamming his left hand on the desk then he points a stern finger at me from across the room. "I don't care what Nate says, it's my life and I'll live it how I please." He says harshly. His brows knitted together.

"I don't understand why you won't get the operation." I say clueless.

Coach doesn't say anything for a moment. He looks everywhere in the room but at me. "Scott, have I ever told you about how my late wife Lettie died?," I slowly shake my head, no. "It was during surgery. A simple surgery. I have no plans being put under and dying the same way." Clutch's voice comes out deep and cracky.

"Listen, Clutch..." I say and take a step forward but Clutch puts his hand up to stop me.

"No, you listen to me! We don't have practice for another eight hours, so you spin around and get the hell out of my office and don't butt into my personal business!" Clutch is standing now and he points to the door behind me, glaring at me.

I look at him in utter disbelief. I don't want to make him any angrier so I spin on my heel and exit the room. I've never seen him so worked up like that. He was beyond angry. I definitely feel as if I crossed a line but Clutch is someone I care about so I won't stop. He gave me more than enough chances, he had hope and faith in me when I didn't in myself. I'm not going to give up on him, he has no one, he needs someone like me now more than ever.

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