Chapter 47- Grueling Chore List

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I do not want to talk about what happen nor do I want to recall any of the moments after. I missed the shot and lost the game for us. Clutch's going another season without a State championship under his belt. And it's all my fault. I should've hit the mark, I don't know what happened.

Me missing the shot keeps replaying in my head.

I've knocked down the shot numerous times. The one time I really needed to hit it, I miss.

God, why did it have to happen to me?

I know all the guys blame me, they won't even look at me since the game. I heard a few hushed whispers behind my back. I'd be pissed at me too so I can't be mad at them. Kain is the one that step up and told the guys that we all make mistakes, we're a team and to not put the blame on anyone.

After Kain lectured the guys, they cooled down a bit then we were all back on good terms. I feel bad for the seniors, that was their last shot at winning State. I thought for sure I had the shot.

When we got back to the hotel, our families, friends that came up to watch us play in the tournament were all waiting for us in the lobby. Mom came up to me, gave me a kiss on my cheek then gave me a tight hug. She told me to keep my head up and there is always next year. Collin gave me a pat on the back, both giving me sympathetic smiles.

About an hour after we got back to our rooms, Kain and I both change out of our suits when Kain gets a text from Grey.

About an hour after we got back to our rooms, Kain and I both change out of our suits when Kain gets a text from Grey

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Kain and I step off the elevator and the smell of weed reeks the hallway, plus you could hear the music bumping. Kain knocks on the door then we wait. Grey and Myles have the door connected to someone else's room open, making the hotel room a lot bigger. There are at least 15 girls here, I don't know where they found them but I'm okay with that, I guess. Everyone from our team is here, except the coaching staff.

I look around and I'm surprising to see that Hazyl or Ember are here. Usually if there's a party, they're there.

When they notice mine and Kain's arrival, everyone raises their drinks to us. Before I know it, Myles hops up on one of the beds and yells, "Alright. Everyone who's on the team, come on, we're going a fucking shot! We fucking need it."

Someone hands me a small red shot glass solo cup. I look up at Myles, he's raising his cup then we all follow suit. "To love, to honour, if you can't cum in her, cum on her!" We all look at each other confused but end up taking the shot anyway.

"Wait, wait, wait. One more. That one fucking sucked." Grey says over everyone. Luke walks around filling up everyones cups. "Now, here's a real toast. Here's to our graduating seniors, boys, it's been one hell of a ride with you. Best of luck to you. And here's to... one more season to try and win that fucking State title." Grey says with his cup raised.

Before we take the shot, another voice speaks up. I turn my head to my right and see Kain talking. "No, fuck that. We're definitely getting that State title next season. Even if I have to sell my left nut. Next season is our season, boys. We're coming for that championship and we're taking what's ours. Here's to one last ride." Everyone in the room shouts and hollers at Kain's speech then we toss back the shot.

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