Chaprer 63- Roundhouse

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I can't believe I'm living back at my Mom's

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I can't believe I'm living back at my Mom's. It's not a bad thing, it's just I didn't see this coming. And for Kain to kick me out is low. The house isn't even his, he doesn't have the right to boot me but to defuse the bomb that was Kain, I left. I didn't want to make Kain more upset. I haven't talked to him yet. I plan to, I just haven't gotten the chance. I have to go get the rest of my stuff.

Wonder if Kain got rid of the hutch? Or I wonder if Rylin saw all the damage Kain did and freaked? I have a handful of questions.

Oh! And huge news, Ayla got into a fight with the new girl, Raven. Yesterday, when Weston told me, I for sure told thought he was mistaken but he assured me that it was Ayla. I went out to lunch with her yesterday and she told me everything, what happened with Kain after I left and about the fight.

Ayla said that she was walking to her locker when Raven went up to her and told Ayla to leave Kain alone, she can't have a boyfriend and still be involved in Kain's life. Oh, and Raven told Ayla to go back to Syracuse and stay there. Ayla barely had any sleep that night so Raven saying all that to her, Raven had it coming. Ayla gets super cranky when she's tired.

She's fine though, she came out of the fight scratch and mark free. The girls didn't get into any trouble because Kain's friends are the ones that broke up the fight before any of the teaching staff could see it.

The fight mixed with adrenaline surely made Ayla work up quite the appetite. Her and I went to Wendy's for lunch and she ordered one hundred dollars worth of food. Well, actually it was eighty. Ayla insisted that she buy my lunch, so that knocked off $20. But the girl really ate all her food. All $80 worth. I was absolutely stunned. I also have no idea where she got the money from.

Brent is back at school so him and Ayla are stuck at the hip. But luckily, he has some football stuff to deal with this lunch period so I get to spend another lunch with my best friend. For lunch today, Ayla requests Wendy's again. It's weird because I remember Ayla telling me that she's not a big Wendy's fan but here we are, going to Wendy's for the second day in a row.

We sit at a little 2 person table by the big picture window. "So, you've had a whole 24 hours to reflect on the fight with Raven. How are you feeling about it now? Still would roundhouse her?" I ask with a laugh.

I still have to watch what I eat, I can't show up to the first day of practice being 300 hundred pounds. I had a big fat juicy burger yesterday so I'm considering that my cheat day. Today, I'm just having a grilled chicken Caesar salad.

"Oh yeah, definitely. Every time." Ayla answers and we both laugh.

"I don't get why it got to you so bad. Usually you don't let what people say effect you like that." I shove a forkful of salad in my mouth.

Ayla chews and shallows her food then she wipes her mouth with a napkin. "It's just her. She gets under my skin. She irks me."

I take a drink out of my lemonade then put it back on the table. "Is it because she's fawning all over Kain?" My words almost make Ayla choke on her food.

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