Chapter 52- Candy Cane

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This is my last day off for a while

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This is my last day off for a while. It was a good week doing nothing but now, we get to work. Tomorrow, I start training with Spencer.

Spencer is fucking hard core. He usually kicks my ass into gear the first 2 weeks. But thankfully, I won't be suffering alone. This time I'll have the boys with me.

Freshman year, all four boys promised that they would get their ass into high hear and train with me, in preparation for senior year. We all want to get scholarships to D1 schools so we have to obviously put in the fucking work. I just hope they're ready for the gruelling hours at the rink, disgusting diets, being exhausted all the time and skating until we fucking puke.

Over Christmas break, Spencer had my ass awake at 5:30 in the morning during the week and 7AM on weekends to train. I don't have a clue what the schedule will be like this time. I'm just excited to have my friends train with me, and experience the shit I go through.

I left my damn car in the driveway last night, instead of the garage so when I come out to start my car, my fucking car is frosted up. We're at the tail end of winter, the nights and mornings are cold as fuck but during the day isn't to bad.

The windows are frosted, it'll take a minute for my car to warm up. I take out my car keys, push the buttons on the car fob and my car roars to life. Having a car starter is fucking awesome, I love having it.

Something on my front windshield catches my eye. I walk to the nose of my car and etched into the frost is a picture of a Candy Cane. "What the fuck?" I say to myself then it hits me.

There's only one person who calls me that. Nolan. Nolan fucking Streeter. That fucker. I really fucking hope he isn't back in town and it's just a joke form one of the boys. Fuck, the last time I saw him was at Grey's birthday party, 2 months ago.

All the frost of my windows disappear and I get in my car. My car doesn't take long to heat up, thank God. I feel a little paranoid now that I seen that Candy Cane sketch. I hate that damn guy. He's the last person I want to see.

I drive to town. I park by the curb, get out of my car and walk up the sidewalk, heading toward a smoothie place. I had to park a little further down from the smoothie place then I'd like but Sundays are the second busiest days in town.

A donut shop separates me and the smoothie place. The doors to the donut shop opens and I stop dead in my tracks when I see the one person I never wanted to see again in my life.

"Nolan." I say in a monotone voice with a dull expression.

The scumbag walks right up to me like we're good old friends.

He plasters a creepy smile on his face. The guy never changes, he still has the same yellow teeth, buzzcut and almost gray skin.

"Candy Cane, what's up. Long time no see, friend." Nolan slaps me on my right shoulder.

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