Chapter 32- Still Holding On

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"So what'd your doc say at your appointment yesterday?" Boo asks as we sit at a booth in Subway

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"So what'd your doc say at your appointment yesterday?" Boo asks as we sit at a booth in Subway.

I sit across the small table from him. "It was alright. She took out my staples, fuck that hurt like a bitch. I don't have to keep the bandages on anymore. And I can take full showers." I tell him, remembering all the medical shit the doctor said.

"Ugh, thank God. You fucking stink, dude." Boo jokes and plugs his nose for dramatic effect.

"Fuck you, man." I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Anyway, I still have to use the sling but not as often. Oh, and physical therapy starts next week." I say as I open my packed sub, pick it up and take a bite out of it.

I'm not wearing my sling right now. They said when my arm gets sore to wear the sling. And only wear it a couple hours throughout the day and every other night, just until my PT next week. I have to start loosening up the muscles.

Boo nods his head and chews his food. Idiot has sauce in the corner of his mouth. The kid is so fucking messy. "Cool, cool. So do you think you'll be healed enough by the time State comes around?"

"Not sure but that's what I'm hoping. You guys just have to keep winning all the fucking games to make it to State." I wipe my mouth then take a drink out of my lemonade.

Boo finishes his entire fucking sub in 30 seconds, you would think he doesn't eat but his Mom is one of the best cooks I know. "Well, yeah, obviously but that was just our first test without you and Scott and we won-"

"Barely." I quickly add.

"Next game we'll have it figured out. It was tough being two players short but since Scott is in New York City taking the test, he should be able to play again and it'll be easier to win." Boo says then just about shoves the whole cookie in his mouth that he nearly fucking cried for. I don't say anything back. I finish my sub while Boo plays on his phone.

A couple minutes later, Boo puts his phone on the table and sits up. "So, I was thinking, if we win on Saturday, we should either go traditional with dying our hair blonde or start a new tradition and buzzing our heads."

I nearly fucking choke on my drink from what he said. "Nobody is touching my fucking head." Is all I say and shake my head.

Boo shrugs his shoulders and goes back to playing on his phone. I clean up my spot and look around us, the restaurant is quiet for lunchtime. Usually every fucking place in this town is packed for the lunchtime rush. I'm just about to ask Boo if he's ready to leave when I look past his shoulder and see a girl looking at me from three booths back and across the aisle.

She's not alone, she's with some other girl. The girl winks at me and smiles. She says something to her friend and laughs. I don't know why but the last couple of days, I've had this urge to get back out there and fuck around with some girls. I don't know if it's the lack of sex I'm having or I'm finally getting over Ayla. It's been just over a month since Ayla left town, I can't sit around and wait for her to come back.

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