Chapter 87- One Of 2

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They gave us the rest of the week off from school

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They gave us the rest of the week off from school. I wake up this Friday morning with a dragging feeling inside me. The days have been just dragging on. The town of Dalton definitely has a dark cloud over us since that dreadful day on Tuesday.

How has it only been 3 days? I feel like it's been 3 weeks, not 3 days.

The town got hit hard after the traumatic event. The people here have been glum, which is to be expected.

Ember had emergency surgery to get the bullet lodged in her right thigh out. The bullet wasn't a through and through, it was stuck in her thigh muscle. She's still in the hospital recovering.

Nate, on the other hand... He was shot in the head, and in the hand. The police think that when Kroy pulled the trigger, Nate reacted quickly and put it right hand up to block the shot but the bullet went through the palm of his hand, and into the side of his head, above his left ear. The Orthopaedic surgeon did surgery on Nate's hand for around 4 hours. It took so long because the doctors wanted to make sure Nate had feeling in his hand and that all the nerves still work. The brain surgery was a lot longer. The brain is obviously very delicate so the surgery was long.

The doctor said that the bullet slowed after going through Nate's hand and his skull completely stopped the bullet. The bullet shot past his skull, putting a hole in the bone and the bullet hit his brain. Considering it was a traumatic brain injury, Nate has been in a coma since Tuesday. He had a little bit of brain swelling the first couple of days but it's gone down some, not where they want his brain but it's not as bad.

Right now, the doctors have Nate in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) until his brain goes back to normal size. And, while the Neurosurgeon was working on Nate's brain, an Orthopaedic surgeon checked his hand, making sure there isn't any nerve damage. The Ortho doctor said everything looked good but he won't know for sure until Nate wakes up and moves his hand and fingers.

I'm incredibly thankful and grateful for all the doctors help to fix my Uncle. I know it hasn't been as easy 3 days working with us and answering all our questions but they did an amazing job.

Unfortunately, I can't say that that's all that come out of that day. There were 2 casualties. Kroy and Myles.

The police also think that Kroy shot Nate than himself since they found the gun in Kroy's hand. Ultimately, no one truly knows for sure what happened in that moment after I left. Everyone is basically waited for Nate to wake to see what he knows or remembers.

I guess Kain, Ayla and Kain's friends were stuck in a room with Jerek. And they had no clue Jerek was the other shooter until they were about to leave, and he pulled the gun out on them. Luke was telling me Jerek had them on their knees with their hands behind their heads and facing the wall, execution style.

Hearing Luke tell me their side of that day made me just about lose my mind.

I still cannot believe Kroy and Jerek did all this. I thought they were good kids, clearly I was wrong about them.

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