Chapter 81- We're engaged!

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I've been staying at Kain's house since he went into the hospital almost 2 days ago

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I've been staying at Kain's house since he went into the hospital almost 2 days ago. Tuesday night was... berserk. The only way I can describe Tuesday night is like the drop tower at an amusement park. One minute Ayla and I were hanging out at my Mom's cafe joking around and having a good time when I got a call from Luke saying Nolan got arrested and Kain had a gun pointed at him and to meet then at Kain's house.

Loud sirens were in the background making it hard to hear exactly what Luke was saying but I could tell that whatever he said, it was serious. I grabbed my windbreaker jacket and nearly sprint out of the cafe but I stopped when I realized I had a tail following me.

I turned around and almost collided into Ayla. I asked her what she was doing and where she was going and she said she heard Luke's voice coming from my phone, she heard the words "Nolan", "Gun" and "Kain" and wasn't going to let me leave without her. I didn't have the time or patience to fight or argue with Ayla so I let her tag along.

We got to Kain's house before Kain and his friends. I have a house key from when I used to live there so I unlocked the front door and let Ayla and myself inside the house. We sat around and waited, what felt like forever, for them to walk in.

After they got back, Ayla and I waited for them in the kitchen. We didn't want to bombard them as soon as they entered the house so we gave them some time to walk in the house and let them come to us and tell us what was going on.

None of Kain's friends or Kain himself said anything about anything, I didn't want to push them to talk so we all just hung out but there was a weird vibe in the air.

About an hour after they got back, I started to notice Kain kept spacing out, like he would tune in and out of the conversation and stare at something for a really long time. His friends had to snap Kain out of his daze 7 or 8 times within the hour.

Kain was a little more quieter then usual, I mean, he's already a quiet person but he was more quiet. When Kain did talk, he would stutter and fumble his words. And what really threw me off and what alerted my internal alarms was that Kain wouldn't even look at or acknowledge Ayla. Everyone knows that when Kain and Ayla are in the same room, all Kain's focus is always on Ayla.

At one point, I excused myself and went to the bathroom but that was just an excuse to leave the room. I hid around the corner, texted Luke to come to the hallway and I waited. A minute later, Luke showed up and I demanded to know what the hell happened to Kain and why he's acting weird then Luke told me the whole thing from his point of view.

I know Luke, Boo, Myles and Grey were planning on doing something to Nolan but I didn't know their plan or that they were doing anything that night. Luke and Boo came to me a few days to a week ago, asking if I could help them out with something, I was hesitant but when they said it was to help Kain, I was on board. They knew Kain told me about Nolan, the supposed robbery and the alleged photo's Nolan has of Kain so they asked me to see if I could do a little digging and see if I could find the old gentlemen Nolan beat and robbed.

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