Chapter 20- Hung Up On Someone Else

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I open my locker and stuff in my book-bag, winter jacket, and car keys

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I open my locker and stuff in my book-bag, winter jacket, and car keys. Ayla and I talked almost all night so I'm pretty fucking tired. I almost break my damn jaw yawning just as Boo walks up to me. He leans his right shoulder against the locker beside mine. "Did you hear?" Boo says.

I knit my brows together and shake my head. "Did I hear what? I just got here." I say.

"Half of the players for Albany's team got suspended for doing a stupid senior prank so they forfeited tomorrow's game." Boo explains to me.

"Wait, for real? What the fuck?" I say pretty bummed. We don't get to play against Albany often so yeah, it kinda sucks.

"Yeah, bro. So we get the whole weekend off." Boo says excited.

The bell rings, meaning there's five minutes left until first period starts. I close my locker door, tell Boo I'll see him later then go to class. Science is my first class of the day. I find the first period of the day always goes by in a fucking blur. For the last ten minutes of class the teacher lets us do whatever we want. I take out my phone and look up the Dallas Stars schedule.

I'm a big fan of the Dallas Stars franchise. I hope to one day get drafted or traded to their team. That would be the dream. It would be cool to live in Texas. Obviously not in the summer since it gets so fucking hot and I absolutely hate the heat. But they have fucking beautiful real estate there. I could use all my signing bonus to buy a fucking mansion. Fuck, just thinking about the future gives me the chills.

To my surprise I find out that the Stars are playing the Rangers tonight in New York City. It would be very spontaneous of me to pack up my shit for the weekend and go to the game. We don't have a game this weekend so I don't have any plans.

Fuck it, I'm definitely going to the game. Money isn't a problem so yeah, fuck it, I'm going to the city. I take out my wallet, pull out my debit card, about to buy my ticket to the game but I pause. Should I get just one ticket or two? Do I want to bring someone with me? I don't know, whatever. If I find someone to come with then whatever if not then whatever. I end up getting two tickets to tonight's game.

"I have to say. Good call, Kain. Weekend in the Big Apple."

"Fucking right." I answer back with growing excitement. So I invited Scott to go with me. It was a tie between him and Boo. I didn't feel like hanging with Boo the whole weekend. All the idiot cares about is finding girls to fuck and acting like a moron. I don't feel like baby-sitting him and I don't feel like being around countless girls when Ayla and I are slowly getting back on talking terms.

Besides, Scott is actually good company. Scott is mature and I don't have to worry or care for him like I would've had to if I brought Boo instead. To be completely fucking honestly, there is an actual reason as to why I wanted to bring Scott with me.

"Didn't your Mom ground you or something?" I ask as I watch Scott put his luggage into the trunk of my car. My stuff is already packed and loaded.

After first period I found Scott, convinced him to tag alone then we ditched school. He went home to pack his shit and I went to my apartment and packed mine. Now here we are, at Scott's.

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