The Scream of a Monster (Pt.6)

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Wei Yuan wanted to throw up from exhaustion, but he knew there was no time for that. He still had all three of his talisman which meant he was still very much a part of this fight. He sucked in a breath as dust filled the air around him. The monster had been throwing boulders for the past 10 minutes. Digging them up and launching them at the group.

Zizhen and Jingyi, despite being injured, both came to help, but there was only so much to be done and now Wei Yuan was separated from the group and he was pretty sure he was trapped under some of the boulders.

Begrudgingly he sucked in another breath. He hadn't had time to take a break for a few seconds like the others and he was paying for it now. His lungs craved air, but there was only so much in this cramped space and A-Yuan didn't know how long he would be in there.

He cursed himself. He felt so stupid for pushing himself to breaking point when his part hadn't even come yet. He cursed himself for not taking the opportunity to get rid of the talisman quicker. He really should've been smarter.

He sucked in another breath to steady himself and looked down at his hands. Along the back of them ran small scars that could be mistaken for veins or even electricity scars. Most of the time they were unnoticeable, but when A-Yuan pushed himself this much they would turn a deep, swirling black colour. When they were like this, it meant that A-Yuan was very close to his breaking point and that meant he would be more of a burden, than help.

He closed his eyes and flexed his palms as more rumbling and shouting went on outside. He would work on getting his energy quickly so that he could break out and go back to the fight. Seconds. Maybe minutes passed and then a loud scream rang out quickly followed by the world falling apart.

Wei Yuan shielded his head as another boulder connected with the pile he was trapped under. Debris fell on him painfully and he tried not to cry out. He curled into a ball, still protecting his head as the plie continued to shift around him. More shouts rang out from outside and more rumbling followed. A-Yuan looked up and the floor shook harder. It was dark and dusty one second and the next a small crack appeared between two of the boulders.

Wei Yuan took the chance. It was either that or wait and get crushed by boulders. He grabbed his swords and jabbed it between the crack, forcing the boulders apart. The pile shifted even more, but the hole was big enough for A-Yuan to squeeze through and he didn't hesitate. Just as he heaved his feet out of the hole, he grabbed his sword and the entire pile collapsed, sending him flying.

His back connected with solid ground and he let out a pained shout. Within second someone was above him.

"Shit, kid, I thought you were dead." Jiang Cheng said as he grabbed the boy under his arms and dragged him out of the way.

"I feel like I am." Wei Yuan mumbled softly.

"Hey! Enough of that, your father is practically hysterical over there. He thinks you're still in those rocks."

Wei Yuan looked around and saw his father's slender form trying to get around the monster and to the rock pile. He had a wall of resentment forming around him, which was never a good sign and Hanguang-jun was trying to stop him from charging at the creature.

The boy hastily got to his feet, regretting it slightly as the world spun.

"I need to stop him before he does something stupid." He breathed making Jiang Cheng laugh. It was half choked which caught Wei Yuan's attention.

Jiang Cheng was ghostly pale, leaned up against a tree and clutching his side. A very deep gash was hidden beneath his hand. A-Yuan's eyes widened and he rushed over automatically.

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