Xiao-Gege (Pt.8)

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Someone grabbed his arms, holding him by his forearms as everything around him swam. The face that appeared in front of his eyes was Sizhui's. The older boy was panicked.

"It's fine. You'll be fine. Maybe it won't take." He said, pulling up the sleeve on Jingyi's wrist and feeling the hard thump of his pulse.

Jingyi just watched him, struggling to take it all in as his mind felt like it was trudging through mud. His name had been called, which meant he would become a puppet. He was going to fall under Xiao-gege's control.

"I'm so sorry!" Jin Ling had a look of pure terror on his face, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "A-Yi I'm so sorry! I didn't- It was an accident!"

The tears fell. Fat, hot and wet down his cheeks. Jingyi could see the guilt written all over his still pale face. The way he barely stopped himself sobbing made Jingyi's heart clench. He hated seeing him like this...

"We have to take him to my Baba, he'll know what to do." Sizhui turned to the other two. It was clear he wasn't with it, just from the way he accidentally budged into Jin Ling, causing the younger boy to wince from the pain in his arm.
"Shit sorry."

"How will we..." Zizhen began.

But Jingyi didn't catch the rest of the sentence because he was suddenly overcome with an immense headache. It started at the front of his brain, spreading around to the rest and down his neck. He wanted to reach up to try and sooth it, but for a moment his hands stopped working. Breathing became hard. An overwhelming urge to attack spread through him.

He grunted with effort as he tried to fight it down. To stop his arms that wanted to move on their own. To stop the need to reach for his sword. Sizhui was still talking to Zizhen. They didn't hear Jingyi over the loud sounds of the puppets, who had started moving again, outside. Jin Ling on the other hand, grabbed Jingyi's arm to stop the Lan boy from falling, eyeing him with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

His voice triggered something. Something Jingyi didn't like. Like a feral want to break and hurt and make bleed more than he already was. It took everything he had to not turn on them at that exact second. He stopped himself before he reached for his sword hilt. His vision went dark for a second. He felt his foot take a step forward against his will. Jin Ling's hand gave a slight pull on his sleeve, trying to get him to answer. That was what snapped him back.

He gasped, suddenly feeling sick while the room around him spun back into sight. The headache became too much to bare. The need to draw blood driving him crazy. It was too hard to resist.

"You need to go..." He mumbled, feeling the way all of their eyes were on him.

"What no!" Jin Ling yelled.

"A-Yi we're not just gonna leave you!" Zizhen made to get up, but quickly sat down due to the pain in his leg.

Jingyi gritted his teeth. The darkness was pulling him in again. The slight pressure Jin Ling had on his sleeve made it so much harder to fight. A foreign part of him wanted to hurt them, he wanted to torture them, he wanted to kill them...

He realised that foreign part of him wasn't him at all. It was Xiao-gege's will...

"Fuck..." He groaned as pain shot through his head again and everything went dark.

When he reopened his eyes, he had his sword slightly drawn, eyes fixed of Sizhui's pale face.

"Go." He said it more firmly this time, forcing himself to look Sizhui right into his grey eyes.

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