The Broken Street Brat (Pt.2)

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The two of them walked into the large tent, sopping wet and shivering. A while ago Wei Wuxian had offered to carry Xue Yang on his back because he was having a hard time keeping up. Once they were inside he slid down just as a woman let out a small gasp.

"Why the hell did you stay out in that weather!? Why didn't you find shelter and wait for it to pass!?" She rounded on Wei Ying who grimaced.

"Wen Qing... Qing-jiejie... I brought someone with me." Wei Ying said quietly and the woman instantly shut her mouth and looked around. When her eyes finally landed on Xue Yang she let out a sigh.

"What have I told you about bringing in strays, Wei Wuxian? How are we supposed to adequately take care of these children when we live in a tent by the blood pool!? We sleep on the floor for heaven's sake!" He ranted exasperatedly and Xue Yang felt a little nervous. She defiantly didn't like that he was here...

After a few minutes of her ranting a pale man with black veins came over and put a hand on her shoulder. He had kind eyes and smiled at Xue Yang before he spoke.

"Calm down Jiejie. It's not like it's a problem, the village is already discussing the plans for the Blood Palace, I'm sure they wouldn't mind adding in another room. Until then I'm sure this young man won't mind staying in the tent with us, right xiao-di?" The man turned to Xue Yang kindly and the boy nodded. 

A tent was a big improvement from the shredded pieces of cloth hung over a few sticks that Xue Yang used to call home. The woman looked down at him again and let out yet another sigh. She then turned to Wei Wuxian.

"Go change your robes, and tell Nana Wen that we will need some small robes for the boy as well." She said firmly, but with kind eyes. "Oh, and drink this so you don't get ill." She added as she passed him a cup.

Wei Wuxian thanked her and left the tent, leaving Xue Yang with the strangers. He felt suddenly panicked, which was strange, because he normally felt fine when he spoke to strangers. I mean it takes some kind of courage to throw rocks at people.

Noticing the boy's shuffling feet and nervous eyes, the woman bent down in front of Xue Yang and gave him a small smile.

"Hello." She said kindly which surprised Xue Yang because she seemed annoyed at him being there earlier. "My name is Wen Qing and that is my brother Wen Ning. May I ask who you are?"

"Xue Yang..." He whispered and her smile widened.

"How old are you Xue Yang?" She asked.


She frowned a little and gently pushed Xue Yang's hair out of his face. He flinched a little at her touch, but when he felt the warmth of her hands he relaxed and almost reached out to pull her hand back when we took it away.

"A little smaller than I would like for a 10 year old." She mumbled softly to herself and then turned to her brother. "A-Ning go make him some food. And make sure you don't add too much seasoning! You'll burn his tongue off if you make like usual." She added and Wen Ning nodded quickly and dashed out of the tent.

Wen Qing then focused her attention back on Xue Yang. She looked him up and down, staring at his hand for a long moment before she met his eyes.

"Would you mind if I took a look at that?" She asked, gesturing to his old injury and Xue Yang just held his hand out.

She took it in her own, warm ones and examined the gap where his pinkie finger used to be. Xue Yang looked away, not liking the angry feelings that burned within him whenever he thought about how he lost his finger. After a few moments of Wen Qing examining the boy's hand she gently ran her thumb over the scar and let go.

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