For The Best Health (Pt.3)

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Their walk back to the little house was silent at first. The two of them were trying to keep up the intimidating aura they had built back when talking to the villagers. However it was very hard. They couldn't look at each other, only straight forward, if they did then it was very hard to fight down the laughter that wanted to escape them.

"Stop it." Wen Qing chastised as her brother glanced in her direction and the corners of his mouth twitched stiffly.

"Stop what?" He tried to ask indecently, though a smile did manage to creep onto his face.

"Stop acting like the kids..." Wen Qing herself said even as a small smile curled her lips.

"But did you see his face? He looked about ready to piss himself!" Wen Ning couldn't keep it down anymore and a horse laugh escaped his lips as he remembered the look on the Shouty man's face when Wen Qing made her threat.

The second Wen Ning started laughing Wen Qing's face split into an even bigger smile and soon she joined her brother in his cackling at the man's expressions. It was funny, she had to admit that. Especially when the other villagers began shouting at him.

Neither of them had expected him to just be called out right there, in public. With several people all watching. Nor had they expected others to join in and the man to try and justify what he had done with things that weren't even relevant. 

Of course they weren't laughing at what he had done, or the accusations thrown at him and his group, or the fact they had threatened them. They were laughing at the situation as a whole, because it really was like something out of one of Xuanyu's novels.

"Why... Why does chaos ensue everywhere our clan goes?" Wen Qing asked between gasps and wheezes, clutching her stomach because it was aching from laughing so much.

"Because no one likes us?" Wen Ning offered as an answer. They both paused, looking at each other, before erupting into laughter again.

"It's funny... because it's true!" Wen Qing wheezed making Wen Ning double over with laughter.

Anyone who saw them now, after what just happened in the village, would think they were completely insane. Laughing hysterically after leaving such an intense situation... It wasn't normal. But then, nothing was in their clan. 

If you don't laugh, you don't have fun. Without fun, was your life really worth living?

Wen Qing repeated those words, in her head, everyday since the Sunshot Campaign. If she didn't then she wouldn't be the person she was today. She wouldn't have let A-Yuan go out and enjoy his life. She wouldn't have agreed for Wei Ying to finally leave seclusion. She wouldn't have let Wen Ning roam the land with her and the others. Or let any of the other kids stay with them when Wei Ying brought them back.    

If you don't laugh, you don't have fun. Without fun, was your life really worth living?

She was glad she had realised what those words meant so early after she thought her world fell apart. Otherwise... they'd all be miserable.

"We have to stop..." She huffed, placing a hand on her brother's shoulder to steady herself. A smile still on her lips.
"We have work to do."

"Right." Wen Ning smiled stiffly patting her hand before she took it away and they began walking back to the cottage.

More time passed in comfortable silence. Both happy in each other's company. Until something minty green caught Wen Qing's eye. She paused, scanning the forest to catch sight of the colour again. A deep excitement stirring in her gut. 

"Jiejie?" Wen Ning called, noticing that his sister had stopped and feeling curious as to why.

She ignored him for a moment. Still busy scanning the roughage until she saw it. Bright, minty green leaves, that shimmered in the sunlight that shone, on one singular patch, through the trees. She gasped, making Wen Ning start, and ran off the path to kneel at the roots and carefully examine each leaf.

"A-Ning! Do you know what this is!?" She asked excitedly as her brother came to stand at her side.

"A plant?"

"Very funning Wei Ying the second." She tutted with a glare up at him.
"It's an extremely rare plant, that has exceptional healing properties. Some scholars say it even has the ability to heal ones soul!" She explained, while carefully digging out around the roots of the plant.
"I've been looking for this since I first started training to be a doctor, but this is my first time ever seeing it. Let alone being able to harvest it!" She continued, getting her hands underneath the plant and pulling it from the ground.
"Isn't it beautiful?" 

Wen Ning just smiled down at his sister. Appreciating the way her eyes were sparkling in awe. It was rare to see her express such childlike wonder and if Wen Ning was being honest, he found it very refreshing. Especially after everything had been so glum.

"I'm going to plant this as soon as we get home, but for now, I'm sure I saw a pot back at the cottage. Oh my goodness! Isn't it just wonderful!" She beamed.

Wen Ning nodded in agreement, grabbing the woman under her arm to help her stand up while she continued to hold the plant like it was a prized possession of one of the gods. Her hands were filthy, not that she cared, and her robes weren't that much better after she had gotten mud all over them while digging. Wen Ning rolled his eyes softly.

It's not everyday Wen Qing acts like the younger sibling...

Once back at the cottage and both all cleaned up, Wen Qing began checking on the patients that they had left there. The boy's fever had gone down and the little girl's symptoms, while minor, were also getting better.

"Looks like the medicine worked." She told the mother who had been watching her closely.
"Let's give them some more rest and see how things continue. I'm still not sure what has infected your village yet, so until then I just want to keep an eye out."

The woman nodded in understanding. Just then there was a knock at the door. Wen Ning answered again, opening the door and showing two men standing there. One supporting the other, who looked like he was fighting to stay awake, let alone on his feet.

"Well..." Wen Qing sighed softly. "Looks like work is officially about to start." 


So fun fact about me, I'm dyslexic. And I have just realised, on my 102nd part of this fanfic, that I have been spelling Campaign wrong when I write 'Sunshot Campine'. So I apologise for that and on a day when I have more energy I will go back and change each of them to the correct spelling. However today is not that day and I just wanted to make you aware that I have now noticed and it wasn't on purpose.
(That goes for all spelling errors in the past and future, It's not on purpose. I've been using me Alexa to help me, but sometimes I do mess up.) 

I thought I was hiding it so well Lmao...

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