Books in paris

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After a nightmarish day of taking care of kids all youssef wanted to do was relax. But even that was impossible when your sharing a room with the most gorgeous man ever. Ever since since seeing Nathan for the first, Youssef had been struggling to think straight. So as he changed into his pyjamas he thought of ways distract himself from the chaos. He left bathroom and that's when something caught his eye. The great Gatsby. An unknown force drove him towards the book. Once he grabbed the book and settled comfortably into bed he reminded himself what the book about. A man pinning his whole life. "What you reading?" Nathan asked, bringing Youssef out of his thoughts. "Nothing special...just...the great Gatsby" he muttered blushing. "I've never read that...could you read it to me?" "O..okay" youssef stuttered as Nathan got in his bed and cuddled against him. "Is this okay I can go in my bed if you're uncomfortable-" Nathan asked but the only response he got was quick nod from a blushing youssef. As Nathan rest his head against youssef chest he was greeted to the sound of a pounding heart. "Youssef are you sure you're okay with this" a concerned Nathan asked; "yes I'm fine now will you be quiet so we can start". They both relaxed into the warm embrace as youssef read. Both had comfort they never realised was possible until that moment.

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