What if youssef and nathan raised darcy and Charlie part 4 (meeting aled)

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It had been almost a year since Charlie's birthday wish. And a year since Youssef and Nathan decided it would be a good idea to have another kid. Darcy was now a big girl since she has her own room (her words not theirs) and Charlie felt lonely with a room to himself (but he claimed it was fine since Nick the doggy gave him comfort).
Youssef had been tossing and turning all night from the anxiety he was feeling, that had eventually woke Nathan up who then climbed on top of him. Looking up at him Youssef blushed gently as Nathan lowered his head and kissed him roughly pining his arms to the bed. As Nathan pulled away Youssef pouted at his husband "calm down darling, we're going be fine" Youssef let out a breath he didn't know he was holding "I mean the first came out... fine?"  Nathan said with uncertainty at the last part. Youssef smiled at his husband's comment. Saying that he smiles at everything his husband says and does. Nathan climbed off him and he turned on his side wrapping his arms around Nathan's waist and cuddling closer. He knew they were gonna be okay since they had each other.
The sun hadn't been the thing to wake them instead it was two very excited children. They jumped and shook them to wake them which they eventually did tickling them as revenge. After a couple minutes they let stopped and fell back into bed both holding a child to their chest. Darcy giggled playing with Youssef's hair "I can't wait to meet Aled" she spoke "I'm gonna be the best big sister ever" she added. Charlie nodded in agreement as Nathan ran a hand through his curls. They stayed like that talking about anything that came to mind until they decided on getting dressed. Darcy ran to her room and Charlie ran to his leaving Youssef and Nathan alone. They eventually quickly got dressed and went to grab their children so they could go downstairs and eat breakfast. Both children had rushed eating breakfast not matter how many time their dads told them to slow down. As the children went to put their bowls in the sink small hiccups could be heard from them. Darcy had always got hiccups so this had only made her giggle when she did, Charlie on the other hand had never hiccuped and started to panic thinking something was wrong. Nathan realised this and ran to pick him up. Before finishing eating he taught Charlie how to clear his hiccups. They then set off to go get their new brother.
Darcy and Charlie had met him on a few accession so they could get use to him and so they both could warm up to each other. Once they got to the house where Aled was at both of the children ran to knock on the door. The door opened as Youssef grabbed Nathan's hand to calm his anxiety. Aled ran to Darcy and Charlie then hugged them both. Once he let go he slowly walked to Youssef and Nathan who were knelt down to his level. They reluctantly hugged him which Aled quickly melted into with a small smile on his face. They were gonna pick him up but Darcy and Charlie had held his hand and started sharing everything. Youssef and Nathan went to sign the last few papers before leaving with there child. Once they had left the house, their children ran up to them talking at the same time. The only word anyone could hear from the was milkshakes. "Do you wanna go milkshakes?" Youssef asked causing the children to squeal in excitement, Nathan looked at him shaking his head but Youssef just looked at him with a smile as they walked to get milkshakes their children discussing their favourite milkshakes. They all had such different taste buds Youssef and Nathan realised as they talked to each other quietly. Soon they were all quiet focusing on there milkshakes.

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