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Everything felt strange. He knew h should be asleep but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. Another yawn, his 7th in the past 5 minutes. Youssef was starting to get kinda annoyed.

The only thing that was keeping him sane was the feeling of Nathan's cold hands against his bare chest and the light breathing on the back of his neck. Every now and again he would wipe away tears that strayed from his eyes. Youssef wasn't sad, the tears were just from exhaustion which he desperately wanted gone.

He shuffled trying to get comfortable without waking his sleeping lover. Then he froze. A mumbled sleepy voice came from behind him, "Seffy?".

Shit shit shit was all Youssef could think, as he twisted to face his lover.

"I'm okay, go to sleep" he whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. The heat of the other man relaxed Youssef almost immediately as if it was some sort of safety blanket. The two cuddled into each other as Youssef finally drifted to sleep.

»»————- ★ ————-««

It didn't even feel like minutes when Youssef woke up, feeling groggy and gross. He rubbed his eyes and noticed the lack of Nathan beside him, as the sun shined through the window on to the empty space. A small frown appeared on his face as he pulled himself out of bed and downstairs.

When he stepped into the kitchen, he was greeted by two energetic people. Nathan looked at him and smiled "good morn... afternoon, love, you hungry?" he asked pressing a kiss to Youssef's cheek. Resting his head against Nathan's shoulder, he nodded not wanting to move any further. Nathan had other plans though as he dragged him to sit down at the kitchen island.

That's when it hit Youssef... food... someone cooked "wait, who the fuck did the cooking?" Youssef asked slightly panicked. Nathan just smiled "Darcy", Youssef immediately relaxed at that answer "thank god" to which Nathan just rolled his eyes.

Once Nathan had brought him something to eat, Youssef took slow bites waiting for his body to let him go back to sleep. Sadly, it didn't let him so he instead had to deal with Darcy smirking at him while she sat on the kitchen counter. Youssef just shook his head and tried to ignore but couldn't due to her muffled laughs. He rolled his eyes "mind out of the gutter" he said, his voice still rough from sleep.

The girl's laughter became much more audible as she tried to not fall off the counter "I didn't say anything... plus we both know that if Nathan heard that voice his ass would have very little control" she teased to which he stuck his tongue out at her. The man just carried on eating until Nathan walked back in and started playing with his hair. He looked at his boyfriend with a sleepy smile "Is she being a bitch?" Nathan asked with a teasing tone, which resulted in Darcy giving a playful gasp.

Youssef could only nod in response to his question, not wanting to give Darcy the satisfaction of being right. He only allowed a chuckle at the sight of Darcy playfully pouting while leaving the kitchen "I'm leaving, you mean bastards" she said with a playful tone.

Her 'dads' chuckled as she walked out. Youssef smiled as he grumbled out "god she's a cheeky twat sometimes" then he heard Nathan swallow. He took a quick glance at him and saw his cheeks darkening. Youssef could only smirk as he snuck behind him and wrapped his arms his waist "you really do love my voice don't you" he whispered in his ear. This had made him receive a swat to the chest causing him to laugh "shut up you evil bastard" Nathan spat out, clearly flustered. Youssef ran his hand through his hair "I thought you loved my voice" he teased as he pressed a kiss to his forehead. Nathan cheeks somehow became darker and warmer "I do when she's not in... by the way you look pretty when sleeping" he stated.

"Truly a shame to have such a rare beauty"

Nathan could only giggle at his boyfriend "don't worry she's going out in a hour so you can catch up on your sleep".

Youssef could only smile at that "would you like to join?"

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