♡𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ♡

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Nathan couldn't stop stressing as he paced back and forth in front of Darcy's bedroom door. He froze in his tracks as he heard the door open and Darcy ask "Can I help you Nathan?" as she pulled him into her room.

Nathan took a deep breath "Would you like to help with something" he asked sounding nervous. Darcy smirked and responded "help with what exactly?".
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For the past two weeks Youssef started to notice Darcy and Nathan becoming closer together but distance from. To say it scared him would be an understatement. One second they would be whispering in a room but the second he walked they stop, and act as though nothing happened.

A small part of him felt left out as his daughter and boyfriend talked behind his back. It sucked the most since Nathan knew how much Youssef hated surprises. Though Youssef wasn't gonna bring it up, he was just going to let fear and guilt eat him from the inside.

He stared out the window watching as the autumn leafs fell from wind shaking the trees. Curling in on himself, Youssef silently listened to Darcy and Nathan talk about something in the other room. He couldn't make out any of the words being said, that only made him feel a bit of relief from the potential heartbreak.

The muffles went quiet and Youssef just sighed as squeezed his eyes shut to fight back the tears. As he laid in silence watching the outside, he hears the door open and close then a pair of arms wrapping around his waist pulling him close. Nathan presses a small kiss to his hair while Youssef feels his body relax.

"You okay?" Nathan asks caustiously, clearly aware of his boyfriends dismay.

He didn't give a verbal response though just a hum and a nod, Nathan didn't press him further just pulled him close and held him. He could tell Youssef was trying to fight the blush because even after two years together the slightest bit of affection had him blushing.

As their hands linked together, Youssef could feel Nathan playing with his fingers. More specifically his ring finger. Just the feeling of it made his heart beat faster.

"You and Darcy are mad at me" he blurted out of nowhere, catching Nathan off guard. Looking at the body cuddled in his arms he asks "what do you mean by that?"

"You've been distant from me for the past two weeks. You're always joking about with each other but once I enter the room you're stood their blushing while Darcy is clearly trying not to laugh. Also you've been acting around me when we are together, you watch me intently like you want to say something but you never do; It's infuriating. Oh then we have the clearly coded text messages between you two... oh and Singh BECAUSE EVEN SHES INVOLVED. Everyone is involved except me and I... wait how could the photo folder on your phone I can't look at and the increase in you two shopping together. I feel... lonely"

Youssef never expected the word vomit but it just kept coming. Realisation dawned on Nathan, of course it would be weird all this stuff going on but him not being included; why didn't i think of that Nathan kept thinking. He sighed as he pulled Youssef closer "Daring, it will all make sense soon I promise".
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ It had been two weeks since the conversation and still none of it made sense. That kinda annoyed Youssef knowing he had no control over what was currently happening. He just stood to the side while everyone did their part. Sadly for Youssef, his part was to be there looking pretty and doing nothing else.

Although he had started to notice a change in Nathan's behaviour. He had became nervous around him, which was strange since that was Youssef's thing. Their was also the constant blushing at sight of him, which was strange since he believed he wasn't pretty enough to be blushed over.

Today was the strangest of them though as he was pratically told to stay upstairs until someone came to get him. So the past or maybe it was two, Youssef put away laundry, finished a book and started yet another crotchet project; all while playing Goose and Gatsby who kept him company. If he was being honest, he kinda enjoyed the peace of it all while listening to the rain.

The peace lasted until Darcy barged in "go downstairs and no you do not have a say in this, come my fur brothers you're playing with me now", Youssef just rolled his eyes as his cats walke towards her. Once they were gone he headed downstairs.

The first thing he noticed was the fairy lights on the banister leading to the living room. When he got into the room he noticed Nathan stood there nervous; following his instinct he went straight towards him and grabbed his hands with a gentle smile. "What's going on?" he questioned as his smile grew. Nathan took a shaky breath.

"I know for these past few weeks you've been a little confused with everything going on, I want to set it straight...ish. Almost a month ago I was terrified because i wanted to ask Darcy to help me with something and thankfully she agreed to help. Then the Paris Gang got involved which got Priyah involved. Those times you walked in on me and Darcy were Iwas blushing its because she was teasing me.

I'm going to let you know now that this was meant to be much more romantic but obviously it started raining and so that kinda ruined it... even you like rain; but basically I had to figure out another way and Darcy said do it here."

Youssef looked at him with a mix of confusion and happiness. Nathan took a breath "almost a month ago I asked Darcy to help me buy a ring" he confessed. Youssef felt his heart skip a beat as his boyfriend got down on one knee, pulling out a ring.

"Youssef Farouk... please will you marry me?"

Youssef coud feel his tears spill as he pulled Nathan into a kiss while nodding and muttering "yes, god fucking yes". As Nathan slipped o the ring, Youssef whispers "You're an asshole for proposing to me in my pyjamas", all he got in response was a laugh and another kiss.

As they held each other several footsteps came down the stairs. The pair turned to see a clearly excited and curious Paris Gang and their cats. Without even saying anything Youssef lifted his hand to show the ring on his finger. Darcy was clearly the most excited as she ran to her dads and brought them into a bone crushing hug.

As the pair held onto their daughter Youssef whispers in her ear "got us together again and this time you didn't have to get alcochol poisoning, good job" which had him receive a playful hit.
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A couple days later, on Halloween, Nathan proposed again in the park, that was covered in autumn leafs, as the pair drunk coffee and held hands. Once again Youssef said "yes".

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