Wedding plans on a rainy day

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The two were sat in the window one rainy day, bored out of their mind. Youssef kept stealing small glances from Nathan as they watched the rain fall thinking on what to do. Nathan turned his head "what if were to plan our wedding?" he says in a genuine tone. Youssef turned his head in shock at his boyfriend. "why, our wedding?" he questions but before he could question further Nathan responded with "not our actual wedding just a fake one or something". Youssef ran to their desk and grabbed Nathan's laptop then jumped next to him cuddling into his side. While Youssef got more comfortable, Nathan opened his laptop and opened an empty document preparing for what would happen next. Youssef had suggested they should start by looking at suits which Nathan had agreed on. It had took them forever to decide but Nathan still couldn't choose either and nailed it down between two. Youssef couldn't help but giggle at his boyfriend's frustration. Nathan decided that instead of stressing over it they should look at cake and dessert's. This made Youssef laugh a bit completely expecting his boyfriend to say that. As he cuddled up closer Nathan started listing a bunch of different cake flavours; Youssef hadn't heard any as he began to worry if their marriage would become one were they both hate each other. His started to fill with tears which alerted Nathan. Lifting Youssef's chin slowly he whispered "is everything all right darling?", Youssef started at his eyes shaking his head "what if we do get married and then down the line we slowly start hate each other but we both deny it since we don't wanna go through the stress of divorce" he rambled out. Nathan's face softened after hearing this "darling I can promise that I will never hate you even when you're old and even more grumpy" which caused Youssef to giggle "I'm not that grumpy". They sat in silence holding each other as Nathan played with Youssef's hair. Youssef looked up at Nathan while he played with his hair "You have to promise me that we won't be boring and have less sex if we get married." Nathan started to smile and almost laugh at hearing this "Of course, plus, I'm pretty sure getting married means more sex, darling." Nathan couldn't help  but laugh after he heard Youssef mutter a small "yes!" under his breath.
This is oneshot is so weird as I just started typing and my friends just started adding to it.

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