Stolen hoodies

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It was a week into Youssef and Nathan living together and through out the week Nathan noticed his lack of hoodies. At first he didn't question it thinking he misplaced them. It wasn't 'til he noticed that Youssef's favourite hoodie went missing that he started to wonder. He knew that he had to play smart at this as he didn't want to accuse him of something he didn't do.
Nathan had spent hours counting how many hoodies he had and how many Youssef had. He noticed that Youssef had gain an unnecessary since amount his moving in; but what he didn't realise was that all those "new" hoodies were inside-out.
Nathan had decided that he would buy a new hoodie but made sure it would be one Youssef would like. Once he got home he immediately showed it to Youssef. A slight sparkle came to Youssef's eyes. That confirmed that Youssef was the hoodie thief. Taking his jacket off Nathan decided to put the hoodie straight on in front of Youssef. A small smile pulled Youssef's lip realising that it would smell like Nathan.
The night prior Nathan had took his hoodie off and put on a chair in the corner of his and Youssef's room. But when he woke up it was missing not only was the hoodie missing but youssef was too. Nathan threw himself backwards onto the bed knowing that his boyfriend was the one currently wearing it. As he went downstairs into the kitchen, he noticed the familiar sight of his boyfriend and his hoodie. Sneaking up behind he hugged him and whispered "hi, thief" causing youssef to tense mutter "fuck" which made Nathan laugh. He pressed a kiss to Youssef's hair "darling if you want to wear my hoodies you don't have to sneak around with them just along as you give them back" which caused youssef to blush a deep shade of pink "also youssef darling I'll be taking of my hoodies back, assuming they don't smell like me anymore". Stepping away from Youssef he looked him up and down. All he was wearing was Nathan's oversized hoodie and his boxers, causing Nathan to smirk at the sight. "NATHAN AJAYI GET YOUR MIND OUT THE GUTTER" youssef yelled in a jokey way "or you're never getting your hoodies back". They both stared at each other for a second smiling til they broke into laughter.
Well that's horribly done

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