Youssef and Nathan meet in an art gallery instead of school au

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*location: Whitechapel Gallery*
While there is so many other pieces in this gallery this had confused him the most. Youssef stared at it long and hard trying to understand it or at least remember it. No matter how long he looked he couldn't place his finger on this piece of art.

A look of confusion must have been worn on his face as he heard a chuckle could be heard from beside him. He turned his head to the sound and was presented with a tall man, tall and handsome man. Heat spread to his cheeks as he looked at the man. "A users guide to married life" the man spoke. Youssef couldn't help but feel more confused yet he also was stuck thinking 'this man's voice it's beautiful'.
The man chuckled again "the piece is called 'A users guide to married life' and it was created by Amikam Toren" he explained. Youssef nodded now understanding what he meant. "Tell me more about it..." youssef started and the man "Nathan" finished. Youssef smiled up at Nathan "tell me more Nathan". The man did tell him all about it "well this piece here he transforms the bland graphics of signage into an expression of the emotional values of a shared existence." Youssef's face went back to a look of confusion as he said "that makes no sense at all" causing a laugh to pull out of Nathan. A laugh that turned Youssef cheeks a warm pink.

The rest of the day the two walked around discussing art and talking about themselves. The more Youssef learned, the more he fell in love with his man who he couldn't believe was actually real. It had got to a point were he couldn't look away from his lips and stop thinking about kissing him. Nathan looked at the him with a bit of concern after noticing how long he had been quiet "Youssef, are you alright?". All he could think was how caring he was. Youssef turned his head up and nodded with a small smile (and rosy cheeks). Nathan wore a face that proved he didn't believe him at all. Youssef sighed and gave up the act "you're so pretty and every time I look at you I can't stop thinking about wanting to kiss you, and now you probably hate me". All that could be heard was that same beautiful laugh. God Youssef wanted to strangle the beautiful man. Nathan looked at him with a smirk "you gonna choke me, darling?" he teased. Youssef looked cheeks bright red and mouth wide open "I am now" he muttered under his breath. God how he wanted to kiss that smug grin of his beautiful face. The two looked at each other until Nathan broke the silence "wanna get coffee together?" Youssef noticed a difference in his voice, he was nervous. He could also see a slight a tint of pink on his cheeks. Youssef grabbed his hand "only if you pay" the soft chuckle came back as they headed to the door "of course I'll pay for you".

The two walked in to a small coffee shop and ordered a coffee. Youssef had also ordered a muffin while Nathan opted for the cake. The two sat close to the back of the cafe enjoying their drinks and chatting. The hands rested near each other, touching at the fingers as they talked. They had got to the point were both of them had been blushing at the sight and thought of each other. Nathan randomly whispered "your hands are so soft" which caused Youssef to run his thumb over the top of his hand. He wanted to laugh at the blush that covered his face but couldn't knowing he had looked the same earlier. Nathan held his hand properly to stop him. After a while of talking and drinking the two were about to leave until Nathan took his phone. "This is my number so we didn't just waste all this time" Nathan stated as Youssef nodded with a soft smile as he walked out.
It had been 3 years since that happened and the two still knew each other. They also often had dates at different museums. It was during this time period they started working together at Truham high were no one knew about their relationship but some were suspicious. So far there favourite part of being there was going to France and having the opportunity to be secretly in love. It was obvious Nathan loved art due to this profession but Youssef loved it for a whole other reason.

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