The art of a secret lover

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(This is slightly based off the new mini comic)
Nathan watched as his students got to work on the task he had set. As they started he went to sit at his desk pulling out his own sketch pad while doing so. He looked around one last time and noticed how most of his students were drawing someone they deeply loved or cared for. A soft smile appeared on his face. He grabbed pencil and got to work on who he would draw. He sketched out his most favourite features first and carefully built around them not wanting to rush the process. The more he sketched the man the more he came to mind. Nathan gradually began to realise that the drawing was also a memory of their time together. He became so lost in the process that he hadn't heard Charlie come up to him and ask for help. As he got up to help Charlie with his drawing, Charlie caught a glimpse of it and immediately recognised the man. Nathan looked at him and shook his head whispering "that is not what it looks like". Charlie just nodded while smirking leading him to where he was sat. Once Nathan had left Charlie to finish his portrait he walked back to his desk. When he sat down he looked at his phone realising he had a text 'god I want to kill these year 7' it said. Nathan almost laughed at it 'darling could you pull through til dinner for me' he sent back smiling while he did. He was quick to get a response 'fine but only because I can't date you when I'm on the run for multiple murders'. Nathan tried his best to stifle a laugh but he had let out a soft chuckle. He sighed picking up his pen and getting back to work on his drawing. As dinner drew closer Nathan had almost finished the drawing and decided that he would add detail after dinner. He waited another 10 minute before deciding on letting the students leave early for dinner. Slouching back in his chair he heard a knock. Quickly throwing himself up straight Nathan looked towards the door and saw him. The man in the drawing. "Hi" he whispered as Youssef walked towards him. Youssef sat on his lap and kissed his cheek "hi" he whispered back. They smiled at each other before Youssef had turned to look at his desk. Nathan watched as his cheeks tinted pink "it's beautiful" youssef whispered. Nathan looked at him with love in his "not as beautiful as the inspiration" he mumbled under his breath. Youssef turned to him and mouthed "loser" as Nathan let out a fake gasp responding with "I'm not a loser just romantic". Youssef pulled himself closer to nathan "you better finish that next lesson" he said, Nathan just nodded as his head rested on top Youssef's.
Once dinner was over Nathan went back to work on the drawing. He added as much detail as possible. He even added the heart in his eyes that he saw when he was told the first I love you.

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