Its what she deserves

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The night had soon moved on and as the sun began to rise Youssef couldn't help but decide to go for a walk.

The events of the previous night had left him feeling giddy and so he needed to distract himself. So as he walked down the street with a small smile on his face, he couldn't help but notice something. That something was someone.

That someone was Darcy.

She was alone on a bench twiddling her thumbs and tapping her foot. Youssef was then flooded with confusion. He had never seen the girl so quiet and almost anxious. It would be a lie if he said it didn't worry him.

He sat on the bench next to her causing her to turn and look at him. Her eyebrows raised as he asked "Darcy, you okay?", the girl was probably as confused as he was.

"Are you okay... because for once you don't seem grumpy" she joked.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comment. A small smile appeared on her face after she said that, that when Youssef saw a bit of tiredness under her eyes. He was about to push further but didn't when he heard a sigh.

"my mum kicked me out and I don't wanna be a burden so yeah I'm here now" she said with so little energy.

The sight had broken Youssef's heart; he was sat next to a girl who he knew as confident and silly but here she was absolutely destroyed. He felt her body lean against him so he decided to press further "first technically she can't do that since you aren't eighteen yet and second why did she kick you out?", something inside him was scared to here the answer.

"I'm too lesbian for them"

The crack in her voice made Youssef want to hug her but stopped himself, thinking she might not be comfortable. He tilted his head slightly to look at her "you're too lesbian? what does that even mean?" he asked even though he knew the answers.

He had gone through the same thing a couple years back. Losing his parents because of something so small.

Darcy sighed as her eyes began to fill with tears "at school I act like this confident, fun lesbian who's proud of her sexuality but the thing is" she paused and swallowed "I'm not even out to my parents because they terrify me. I mean she kicked me out for WEARING A SUIT so god knows what she would do if she knew the truth". Once she finished speaking her tears came falling; and all Youssef could do was wrap his arm around her and keep her close.

After a couple minutes of being in this position, she pulled away and wiped her eyes. He rubbed her back as she calmed her breaths, which had quicken from anxiety.

Darcy looked at him with wide doe eyes and asked "I know it's dumb but could I please go to your place and sleep... I'll leave as soon as I'm done it's just this place isn't exactly comfortable" she had the last part while looking down in shame. Youssef pulled her up "you can stay with me along as long as you need" and he could see a small smile reappearing on her face.

Since it was a small walk back to Youssef's place, Darcy was soon asleep; after a short argument of Youssef telling to her sleep in one his hoodies so she's comfy, which she had eventually caved into.

While the girl slept in his spare he decided to make some food, but instead of rushing he decided to drag it out so it would still be warm when she woke up.

Almost a hour went by when Darcy walked down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. Youssef turned to greet her but could only chuckle "I'm guessing you had a good sleep" since she nodded with a bit of confusion he explained "you have red lines and marks on your face". The girls eyes widened.

"it's not my fault that bed was so comfy... and sleeping here felt different" she said with a yawn.

The smell of food soon brought her back to her senses as she almost ran to sit down. Once Youssef placed the plate down Darcy had proceeded to eat it a little too quickly. Seeing this had broke Youssef's heart.

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