Multiverse of madness (no spoilers)

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(No spoilers)
It was May the 5th, the Youssef and Nathan had been waiting forever for. Throughout the day they spent most of the time looking at the clock then paying attention to the kids. They couldn't be blamed after waiting so long for the movie to be released. It was five minutes til the bell rang and Youssef couldn't stop tapping his foot against the floor. No one dared question the man at fear of the consequences although Charlie already knew and couldn't help but smile at the man's excitement. It was Charlie who had Nathan about the tickets after all (and bought him and Nick them as well). Youssef getting bored of waiting for the bell decided to let everyone leave early which caused much excitement but also confusion as youssef would never do that.
It was 10 minutes since the bell had rang and youssef was running down the hall to Nathan's classroom. Crashing through the door he spots his boyfriend putting his coat on. "Hurry up" youssef demanded like a child causing Nathan to giggle at him "hello to you too". Nathan slung his bag over his shoulder and held Youssef's hand while walking to their car. Once in the car they discussed the theories the whole drive back.
Once they got home youssef ran upstairs to get changed and Nathan headed to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. After 15 minutes, Youssef came back down stairs in a scarlet witch jumper and black jeans. Nathan wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his forehead. Youssef looked up with a smile "you look handsome" Nathan whispered to him while stirring up some pasta. After 10 minutes Nathan served the pasta and they ate quickly. While Youssef cleaned the dishes Nathan went up stairs and put on a vision T-shirt and some marvel jeans (that he had painted). He went back down and Youssef looked him up and down with a smirk "hot" he said with a second thought. The action made Nathan blush a scarlet red.
They eventually got out the house first buying a ton of sweets that they'll end up forgetting about. They slowly walked to the cinema holding hands the entire time. Once they got there they sat at the back so they had the perfect view and could kiss without anyone seeing. Eventually the movie started and they grabbed each other's hand.
/// 2hrs 6min later///
They sat there in shock at the movie. Youssef broke the silence between them "that was so awesome" he said excitement coating his voice. They walked out together discussing there favourite parts and there next cinema date. When they left the building it was dark outside so youssef wrapped his arms around Nathan's arm so they could walk back to there house while there eyes adjusted to the change in light. Once back home, and locked the door, they ran upstairs to remove there clothes deciding against wearing pyjamas and just wearing there boxers. As soon as they got under the sheets they cuddled together and fell asleep.
I watched it yesterday and imagined this happening

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