There's more than three sexuality's

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It had been two weeks since prom, meaning that Youssef and Nathan had, what they asssumed to be, dating for two weeks.

Shockingly enough the only teachers to know about them yet were Coach Singh and Mr Lange. Well in actuality Coach Singh knew they were dating before they were even dating. And then Mr Lange found out after walking on the two holding hands while Youssef gave the man heart eyes.

Another thing to add is that it had been two weeks since Youssef took Darcy in. This meant all the gang kept annoying him and he couldn't escape it.

He finally thought he had peace and quiet with this boyfriend one dinner until the pair heard a knock on the art rooms door. While Youssef slightly groaned, the door opened to reveal Imogen.

He hadn't spoke much to the girl but ever since the Paris trip he can't help but like and respect her.

He caught a glimpse at the girls face and saw how stressed she seeemed, then what he assumed to be tears in her eyes.

"I think I'm having a crisis" the girl said barely above a whisper.

As Nathan sat her down, Youssef couldn't help but smirk a little knowing he went through the same thing in his mid-twenties. He watched as Nathan pulled the hair from her face and wiped her tears, sitting in front of her. He couldn't help but blush at the sight.

"Imogen, Why do you think you're having a crisis?" Nathan asked with caution, as Youssef got closer. Her head shot up frantically "So basically ever since the prom I've been thinking a certain way. A way I only used to think about boys but basically when Sahar was singing I looked at her and felt a little strange. I've tried ignore the feeling but ever since then I can't look at her without wanting to hold her hand or play with her hair." she rambled out.

Youssef and Nathan turned to look at each other then back at the girl. Nathan sighed and grabbed her hands "Imogen, don't take this the wrong way but, I think you're in love with Sahar".

Youssef couldn't help but wonder if he was like this when he had his sexuality crisis. He almost wanted to laugh when her eyes widened and sputtered "but I'm not gay".

He realised he should now speak up "there's more than gay, bi and straight, Imogen" he said with the intent to calm her.

Watching her slouch in the chair made him chuckle a little, "really?" she asked. Her voice almost sounded timid. He smiled a little.

"Pansexuality is the sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity. From the what I know about you, you don't care about who you date, you just want to be happy and loved by anyone"

Nathan turned to look at the man while his heart melted. He saw Imogen's head rise a little, as she looked at him.

"Do you think that's what I am?" she whispered.

Youssef knelt down in front of her and took her hands in his own "Imogen it's not what I think, it's what you think, you're sexuality doesn't matter to anyone but you. Only you can decide your sexuality. understand?" he said, his tone softer than she was used to. The girl nodded and was pulled up as Youssef stood up.

Nathan and Youssef helped her clean her tear stained face as she prepared to leave. Before exiting the classroom she turned and said "thank you for... you know helping me". The two nodded at the girl and smiled as she left. When he took in Darcy, he never excepted take in all of the Paris gang.

-2 weeks later-
It had been two weeks since that conversation and Youssef hadn't heard anything. He would have asked Darcy about it but he didn't want invade on her friend groups life.

But he and Nathan did eventually see her. She was talking to Nick about god knows what. He didn't see any immediate change until he saw Nathan glancing at the lapel of her blazer.

On the lapel was a pin. He smiled when he realised what it was. A pansexual pin. He then noticed that she was holding hands with Sahar. The sight made him smile and his heart melt.

He must have got lost in thought because he felt jumped at the feeling of being pulled into a hug. He looked down and saw that both him and Nathan had been pulled into a hug by Imogen. She was wearing a huge smile on her face "guess what" she said with excitement. He couldn't pass the opportunity to be sarcastic "let me guess... you got a girlfriend", he shrugged when Nathan playfully hit him.

"I got a girlfr- wait how did you know?" she asked not hearing the sarcasm.

Then he started to panic thinking his voice didn't project the sarcasm like always. Nathan quickly spoke for him "Imogen, he was being sarcastic" and watched as she said "oh that makes sense, well I have to go, BYE!". The couldn't help but laugh as she yelled the last part as she ran to meet up with the gang.

As they walked to Youssef house, Nathan abruptly stopped in mid-conversation. He looked at Youssef with a bit of panic in his eyes, so Youssef grabbed his hand "hey, what's wrong" he asked with a slight bit of fear laced in his voice. Nathan locked eyes with him "Imogen didn't question what we were doing together each time she saw us" he said clearly stressed.

The two started walking again as Youssef wore confusion on this face "okay and this do- oh fuck do you think she knows... DO YOU THINK THEY ALL KNOW?" He said clearly stressed.

The two sat on a bench and held held each other's hands for comfort. Nathan shrugged at his question as he was too worried about his boyfriend being outed.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Youssef squeezed his hand. He looked at the other man "do you think she told them?" he asked. Nathan's heart broke at the visible pain in his voice. He didn't know what to say so he answered "I don't know".

When they got home, they could hear the Paris Gang laughing and talking. As they walked to kitchen they all said to them as they sat in the kitchen. But they knew something was often from the lack of response. Darcy decided to follow them into the kitchen.

"Are you mad at me, did I do something wrong?" She asked, slightly panicked.

Youssef look at her, he was scared that she had betrayed his trust "did you tell them about me and Nathan?". Her eyes widened "no I promised that I wouldn't so I haven't, they did ask but I denied it. I promise" she quickly spoke.

She didn't want Youssef to kick her out since she enjoyed being here. That being said she respected all his boundaries and rule and he respected hers.

Nick and Imogen walked into the kitchen, practically saving her, "she didn't have to tell us, especially since you two did" Nick stated with a shy smile. Nathan and Youssef looked at each other confused not knowing when they told them.

Thankfully, Imogen had explained further "you didn't verbally tell us but you did tell us with the you acted around each other. It was mostly Mr Farouk who did it though, I mean those heart eyes you constantly give him aren't very platonic". The last part of her sentence sounded way too sassy for his liking.

Then it hit him, "I outed myself" he huffed into his hands as Nathan stroked his back lovingly. Imogen soon jumped in to say "don't worry we didn't assume your sexuality, you know since there's so many you can be". It warmed his heart hearing her repeat the words she had said.

He definitely loved these kids but god they gave him a migraine.

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