Love as sweet as chocolate

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Youssef was sat in bed cuddled up with several blankets and his true crime documentary's. As he watched in peace eating chocolate he heard the door open knowing it was his boyfriend he smiled. Once Nathan appeared Youssef's smile only got bigger which made Nathan smile back. "Hi" Nathan said softly looking adoringly at his boyfriend. "H..hi" youssef responded taking another bite of his chocolate. Nathan had decided to join youssef in bed and cuddled up close to him. As they relaxed youssef looked down at Nathan on his shoulder with soft eyes. When Nathan looked up and met his eyes he realised what was about to happen. He leant down to kiss his boyfriend tenderly. Nathan eyes light up for a second at the familiar taste of chocolate. When youssef had tried pulling away Nathan hadn't allowed instead put his hands in Youssef's hair and held his face. As Nathan straddled his hips there kiss slowed down and youssef looked at him with passion. Both of them breathed heavy with messy hair and dilated pupils, not only that but there lips were now swollen. Their skin now shared a pink tone. As youssef caught his breath and stared up at Nathan he said softly "if you wanted chocolate, you could have just asked". To which Nathan replied ,while playing with Youssef's hair, "it tastes better this way"...
Something short but sweet hope you enjoyed

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