What if youssef and nathan raised darcy and Charlie part 3

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The day was April 27th, the day of Charlie's 5th birthday. He had spent the whole month prior planning for this day.
Youssef and Nathan were cuddling in bed trying to get some time alone knowing of the day to come. With Youssef's head resting on Nathan chest they laid in silence listening to their gentle breathing. Soon enough their silence was disturbed as they heard small but fast footsteps heading to their room. Charlie burst through the door and jumped onto the bed "dada! Baba! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" He yelled jumping on the bed. Nathan pulled himself to the headboard and youssef pulled himself up with arms around Nathan's waist, they both smiled at their sons excitement. "Wow really but didn't you have one last year and the year before" youssef joked causing Charlie to giggle and walk to sit on Nathan's lap "silly dada I get one every year" he responded. Youssef nodded and unwrapped his arm to play with his sons hair. Charlie leaning further into the touch almost fell off Nathan's lap. "CHARLIE WHERE ARE YOU" they heard Darcy yell from the hallway "IN DADA AND BABA ROOM"he yelled back. Soon their daughter came running in jumping onto the bed hugging Charlie from behind "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" she yelled with excitement. Nathan and youssef  laughed at their Children's antics. "Come on let's go make breakfast" Nathan said to his children "also Charlie gets to decide" he quickly added. "Rainbow pancakes!". That's what Nathan heard come from behind him as he walked downstairs. He entered the kitchen with his husband following behind realising their children weren't there until they heard the gasps, they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces "I think he likes it".
The night prior Youssef and Nathan had been putting up decorations with the help of Darcy

The night prior Youssef and Nathan had been putting up decorations with the help of Darcy

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She also had helped with decorating Charlie's cake which youssef had baked. They could hear Darcy giggle at her younger brother's reaction. While Nathan finished making the pancakes he put them on plates, walking into the living room to see Charlie looking at the giant balloon. The curls in his hair bounced as he jumped with excitement. He ran and jumped onto the couch grabbing his pancakes from Nathan as Darcy did the same. They both quickly ate wanting to open the presents as soon possible. Once they finished Darcy ran and grabbed as many presents that would fit in her arms taking them to brother to open. He soon got through the presents from the help of his sister and his dads. The last present came and he opened eyes lighting up with excitement, "my own converse" he squealed with excitement. The reaction caused his dads to laugh while they cuddled on the couch watching. "Charlie, Darcy why don't you two get dressed then you can try your new shoes on" Nathan spoke but before he could finish they were running upstairs at full speed. Nathan and Youssef went upstairs and changed into clothes. They went back down and cleaned the plates. A few minutes later their children came down stairs fully dressed and shoes in hand.

 A few minutes later their children came down stairs fully dressed and shoes in hand

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Nathan smiled at his two children while grabbing a birthday badge off the kitchen island and pinning it to his son jacket

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Nathan smiled at his two children while grabbing a birthday badge off the kitchen island and pinning it to his son jacket. Charlie looked up with a few curls covering his eyes and smile on his face. "So Charlie what would you like to do today?" Youssef asked looking at his son. "Shopping and arcade" he squealed as Darcy turned high five him, "incredible choice brother" she yelled.
They walked to the arcade first, both of children were way ahead but still in sight. Once they got in the arcade Darcy and Charlie ran for the Mario kart game as there parents followed. After playing five rounds, Darcy accepted that he was the better player since he won every round. They soon ran off to play many other games. After 2 hours of playing games they left youssef and Nathan carrying multiple teddy's they had won. They headed to the shopping centre youssef holding Darcy's hand and Nathan holding Charlie's. The first shop they had gone to was build a bear. This caused youssef to sigh and whisper "don't they already have enough teddy's" making Nathan giggle at his husband. As they caught up with their children they found out they had already chosen what bear they  want. "Dada baba can we please have them" Darcy and Charlie asked giving their best puppy eyes, which they knew Nathan couldn't resist "of course you two can have them" he spoke. Youssef looked at his husband shaking his head slightly "seriously" he said, Nathan looked at him "sorry" he said with a smile Youssef couldn't resist "it's fine". Their two children had already gone to stuff the bears. Once they came back Darcy whispered to Youssef "dada mine smells like bubblegum" that caused youssef to smile at his daughter then Charlie yelled "dada baba mine smells like birthday cake". Nathan giggled at his son picking him up "really now do you two wanna get them any clothes" they knew when they giggled and ran towards the clothes. After several minutes looking for the right outfit they back with bears in one hand and outfit in the other. Once they paid and left youssef asked "what did you name your bear, Charlie" he had picked a golden retriever that had caught his eye months ago "NICK!" He giggled with excitement while feeling the dogs fur, Darcy looked at her frog intensely "hmmm...shrek" she said with confidence in her causing her family to giggle.
After two hours of shopping they headed home they same way they came there. Although Youssef and Nathan now had multiple bags to hold. Once they got in the house they took the bags into the Children's respective bedrooms. They went down stairs to hear Darcy yell "we need to the cake" which caused them to head into kitchen to grab it. They lit all five candles and slowly walked in with the cake. Once the cake was placed in front of Charlie he immediately blew out the candle "what did you wish for" Nathan asked with a smile while taking the candles out. Charlie smiled innocently "a baby brother". Youssef and Nathan turned to each other so fast they almost got whiplash. Not the answer either of them was expecting to hear.

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