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Quick warning but this is slightly nsfw as it does take place sex. If you aren't comfortable with that please don't read. This doesn't involve explicit content does hint at it. This is just the aftercare.
"Youssef, honey, you okay?" Nathan asked looking at his boyfriend laying on the bed in nothing but his boxers. A happy sigh left Youssef's swollen lips as he nodded his head sitting up. Nathan smiled at his boyfriend noticing the fact that his pupils were dilated.

"Nathan less staring more getting into bed and cuddling with me... please" Youssef said with a yawn as Nathan chuckled climbing into bed. Youssef immediately laid his head down on Nathan's thighs. Warm breath could felt as Nathan ran his long fingers through the other man's hair. Youssef placed his hand against the other thigh and started tracing shapes against the skin. He raised his head and they met eyes. "You're okay honey, I'll keep an eye on you" Nathan whispered, moving a strand of hair that fell in front of Youssef's eye.

Youssef turned his head and pressed a light kiss to his inner-thigh. He could feel Nathan's eye's watching him, it made him feel safe. Nathan made him feel safe. A soft finger could felt on his back tracing the freckles and indents, the finger then made its way to his shoulder blade. Nathan chuckled "honey where did you get this bruise fro... oh never mind". Youssef smiled at the realisation knowing tomorrow he'll have even more to cover. He loved when Nathan left marks since it gave him an excuse to wear turtlenecks and layers.
"My chest is gonna be covered tomorrow" "and you'll be loving me for it, won't you?"
Youssef chuckled and nodded, pressing his face into his thigh and playfully biting down lightly. Nathan's raised his eyebrows in surprise "oh we playing this are we" he says as he began to run his fingers against the most sensitive parts of Youssef's thighs. Youssef began squirm and blush at the feeling. He wrapped his arms around Nathan's waist and looked up with eyes full of love. As Nathan looked at him he noticed that his eyes struggled to stay open "Honey what did I say, it's okay you can go to sleep" he said with a soft and calm voice.

Youssef gave a sleepy smile while shaking his head "nooo you're not even that blurry" he moaned causing Nathan to chuckle. He gently placed a hand to the back of Youssef's head and laid it against his stomach. Immediately his body relaxed as curled up into a ball, slowly drifting to sleep. Once Nathan knew he was deep enough into his slumber, he carefully pulled a white fluffy blanket from the bottom of the bed up. He wrapped it around them both then proceeded to hold Youssef protectively while pressing a gentle kiss to his head. Soon after he too fell asleep with his lover in his arms.
If you made it to the end please let me know what you think, I know it's only short but I wanted to write something sweet and simple.

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