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It was lunch at Truham and Higgs high so the Paris gang had decided to gather in the art classroom to hide away from the cold. Of course they had gotten permission from Nathan to come but Nathan had also forgot to tell Youssef about the arrangement. While Nathan had gone to meet with Youssef, he left the Paris gang alone discussing whether or not they should put up mistletoe. Darcy was the one to come up with the idea even though Tara tried to point out every bad outcome. After a couple minutes of debating they decided to go along with the plan also that Nick and Charlie have to put it up.
Once the boys had gotten the mistletoe up, they went and sat back down to with the rest of them. Charlie rested his head on Nick's shoulder preparing for the worst as Darcy began to speak "ya know they might not even kiss or care. Which sucks for me and Charlie" making everyone look at her in confusion "what I'm like Mr Farouk's daughter and he's pretty much Mr Ajayi's son, we'll practically be siblings". Tao looks at her with confusion "why would Charlie practically be Mr Ajayi's son, his parents are fine?" he says turning to Charlie who was shaking his head. Everyone suddenly felt kinda bad but Charlie insisted that he was fine. Carrying on with what they were talking about before they finished debating whether or not they will kiss.
Nathan knocked on Youssef's classroom door waiting for it to open. As the door opened a grumpy faced Youssef appeared. While looking down at him he shook his head and walked into his classroom. Youssef walked towards his desk as Nathan followed behind, sitting him slightly on the edge of the desk then standing between his boyfriend's legs. They grab each other's hands and stare into the others eyes. Breaking the silence Youssef whispers "I hate those fucking year 7" causing Nathan to let out a breathless laugh "what they're fucking assholes and never shut up like how can they talk so much" he argued out to his Nathan. Before helping him off the desk Nathan placed a light kiss on his lips "don't worry once we get home you can complain while we cuddle as much as you want" he breaths out causing Youssef to break out in a smile. They head out of the classroom and towards Nathan's classroom, running into Mr Lange on the way. As they got closer to the art room they could hear muffled arguing but chose to ignore it and carry on with their conversation.
The door to art room clicked open quieting the Paris gang. They all turned to look at teachers who were engaged in conversation to notice what's going on above them. The two stop feeling the stares on them, Youssef looks at darcys large grin compared to everyone's scared look "What did you do?" he asks in a monotone voice as Darcy points to the ceiling. They turn their heads to the ceiling and see the mistletoe hanging above them. All the eyes of them begin to widen as a blush appears on his face and his breath  begins to stutter. Nathan looks down at him with a smile causing Youssef's heart to flutter. The redness on his cheeks increase as Nathan leans in to kiss him. The two pull away as quick as possible and turn to the teens mouth gaping and eyes wide as they went to sit down on separate table to them. The gang burst out with several questions as the two try to argue that it's tradition. No one in the Paris gang believed them due to the bright blush spread out on Youssef's face and Darcy didn't believe them because of her gut feeling of the two dating.

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