Darcys lockdown haircut

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First of all FUCK DARCY OLSSON'S BIRTH PARENTS and second of all YOUSSEF and NATHAN ARE DARCYS DADS. Just a warning:
It had been four weeks since the UK had went into lockdown, this also meant that Darcy had been living with Youssef and Nathan for four weeks. After the school found out about how Darcy's parents treated her they knew she couldn't stay there so Youssef and Nathan had decided to take her in for lockdown. While the past three weeks had been the best weeks of her life, the past couple of days her mental health had been suffering. Everyday was the same routine sleep, eat and stare into nothingness. Youssef and Nathan were worried about her but she claimed she was alright even though they knew she wasn't.

One morning Darcy woke up and decided she would try and brush her hair. Every time she pulled the brush through her hair it would get caught in the tangled and knots. She looked in the mirror and yanked at the brush. The only thing it brought to her was tears. She tried again and hissed in pain, "I'm fucking useless" she mumbled to herself before trying one last time. The hairbrush broke in her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her breath became heavy as she tried to calm down but it wasn't working. She looked into the mirror and saw the matted mess that laid upon her head, wiping her tears she realised what she wanted to do.

She ran into the bathroom and shut the door, turning to the bathroom counter she started rummaging through them. She found what she needed. She turned the electric razor on and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, they dragged the razor through her hair and felt it fall down her back. After several minutes of pulling it through she opened her eyes and saw that she was surrounded by her hair, looking up into the mirror she gasped. Her hair was shorter but patchy and uneven. She could feel sick boil up in the back of her throat as she fell to the floor. Tears ran down her face and onto the floor as she sobbed uncontrollably. She curled up in a ball on the floor as realisation hit her "oh my god Youssef and Nathan are gonna hate me, I'll have to go back to them, I don't wanna go back to them" as the realisation sank in her sobs became almost screams. Until she lifted her head at the sound the bathroom door clickling.

When the door opened it revealed the worried and distraught faces of Youssef and Nathan. They looked at her as lip wobbled and she hiccuped out "I'm sorry... please don't leave me". Youssef was sure he could feel his heart shattering as he ran to the young girl and pulled her into his arms. He felt her freeze in his arms as he whispered "what the fuck did they do to you?". Nathan sat down in front of them and sighed "Darcy sweetie, breathe, we aren't getting rid of you and we DEFINITELY aren't sending you back to them" he told her. Her breath hitched as she looked at them with dry tears and hair stuck to her face "you promise?" she whispers. The pair of men nod at her with soft smiles. Nathan picks her up and sits her on the counter, rubbing the hair off her face "do you want me to fix your hair?" he asks with a gentle voice. His heart warms at the sight of her small smile and nod. He grabbed the razor and started to fix the mess that had been created. Youssef watched as he scrolled through his phone with a smile. After a couple of clicks he put the phone down and sat on the counter to her. He looked at her "you do realise next time you become like that I'm gonna make you talk to me" he teases as her smile becomes her usual cheery one. Nathan turns off the razor and sets it to side then brushes off the extra hair "better?" he asks, she turns her head and looks in the mirror "so much better" she says with happy tone. Youssef looked at the two with a smile even though he knew she wasn't fully better but she was getting there.

The next morning there's a knock at the door while they eat breakfast. While Darcy wanted to answer the door, Youssef had beat her to it. Nathan just shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating, not even questioning what his boyfriend had bought. Youssef walked back into the kitchen with a box in his arms. He set it down on the counter and turned to Darcy "you can open it" as she grabbed hold of the box and tore it open. She gasped as she saw several colours of hair dye in the box "for me?" she says in awe turning to Youssef's dead straight face as he says "nah for me, who else would be for". She laughs as he mutters on about stupid questions but she doesn't pay much attention as she looks at all the different colours. Searching through she says "I don't know which colour to use" so Nathan looks at her "why not use them all and yes I know how to do that, I have sisters" he tells her. Happiness takes over her face as she grabs the box and runs up into the bathroom. When they the box be put down Nathan turns to Youssef with a smirk "no I don't care about I just think her hair needs a bit of colour, that's all" Youssef says in a denying tone but Nathan smirks "so you don't want to kill her parents then adopt her and like fifteen cats" he says teasingly. Youssef blushed walking out the kitchen before mumbling "I definitely want to do that" then walks up the stairs hearing Nathan chuckle and follow after him.

The two walked into the bathroom and saw Darcy setting up all the colours while bouncing on her tiptoes. She saw then sat on the counter and Nathan started on her hair. Nathan knew she dyed her hair before so was extra careful in making sure not to damage her hair. By the time it was done, a couple hours had passed but Darcy loved it so it was worth it. Nathan and Youssef watched her as she stared at the mirror in awe. "I can't wait to show Tara" she squeals out as she turns and hugs them. The rest of the day was spent with them cleaning the bathroom and then Darcy playing animal crossing with Tara. The two made plans to see each the next day in the park since that was the only place they could really meet.

It was now the fifth week of the lockdown and the first time the girls saw each other since then. Darcy wore a huge smile on her face seeing the back of Tara "Hey" she yelled out as Tara turned around. Tara had a mirrored smile only with a bit more shock "your hair!" she says as Darcy nods in happiness "isn't it so cool" she starts as she then goes on a rant about the past few weeks...
I know this bad and a horrible reminder of the lockdown but I like to imagine what would have happened during the lockdown with them and Darcy. Darcy having bad mental health and shaving her hair seems like a very her thing to do. Also I'd also like include that maybe Youssef has a beard or long hair. (Anyway examples are up at the top)🤍

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