Au: meeting dad's boyfriend

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So in honour of my love for dad!Youssef here is Youssef introducing his daughter to Nathan. They meet the same way and everything just instead he has a daughter.
Youssef had awoken with a groan after feeling something kick against his back, he rubbed his eye and turned over to be greeted by a curly haired 4 year old still passed out. He couldn't help but lightly smile at the sleeping figure until he was interrupted by his phone. He turned back over and grabbed his phone while pulling himself up a bit. A dreamy sigh left his lips as he saw that Nathan had texted him.

Nathan🤍: Morning darling, am I still coming over today 🤍
Youssef: morning and yes you are coming other today since you have to meet someone important to me
Nathan🤍: can't wait, see you at 4?
Youssef: see you at 4🤍

He turned off his phone and set it back on the bedside table; he ran through his hair and felt another kick this time into his side. He turned his head to see the curly haired girl looking up at him with sleepy smile and giggling. She climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck then placed a kiss on his chin, he looks down with a smile "morning Lieutenant Trouble" he says placing a kiss to her forehead. She giggles at the feeling of the stubble scratching against her face "daddy that tickles" she giggles out as Youssef looks at her "sorry Rhea" he quickly says making her giggle and kiss him all over his face. After her attack, she smushes her face into his chest mumbles "it's okay, you make me breakfast now", he could feel her smile against his chest once he picked her up and carried her down the stairs.

It had been an hour since the two woke up and Rhea now had so much more energy after eating a stack of pancakes and attempting to eat cereal straight out the box. Now she was rambling on about anything she could while Youssef washed the dishes. A sudden confusion hit as it suddenly went quiet, so he turned to see her gone from her spot; panic ran through him until he heard footsteps going up the stairs causing him to sigh in relief. Checking the clock and realising he only had an hour until Nathan got there made him quicken his pace when drying the dishes. He looked around and made sure everything looked clean before he ran upstairs to get changed paying no mind to the muffled giggles coming from his daughters room.

He was heading down the stairs when he heard a knock at the door, tripping as he ran towards it. When he opened the door it revealed Nathan and immediately he could feel blood rush to his cheeks.

"hi" he says being safe with what he says. Nathan smiles down at him while scratching the back of his neck "hi, sorry I'm early it's just I know how you like being early so I thought I'd give it a try" he says as Youssef looks at him with heart eyes and then drags him in the house. Still holding onto Nathan, Youssef pulls him in for a kiss "I've missed you so much" he whispers against his lips. Nathan goes to speak but stops at the sound of a giggle, "Youssef what was that sound, why are you nervous?" he asks with confusion until he catches sight of a little girl running down the stairs in a captain marvel costume. The girls and Nathan make eye contact as Youssef looks down "Nathan, this is Rhea my daughter; Lieutenant Trouble this is daddy's boyfriend" he says with nervousness clear in his voice. Nathan bent to the girls level and took off his backpack to show her a pin. A little cat dressed as Captain marvel. An excited gasp left her lips "daddy, Captain Marvel pin" she sqeauks out as she walks towards Nathan for further inspection.

Youssef jokingly groaned while mumbling "great now I have to deal with marvel obsessed people" as he walked towards the kitchen. Rhea grabbed hold of Nathan's hand and pulled him along to the kitchen. While Youssef made him and Nathan coffee, the two sat to the side rambling on about Captain Marvel and her love for goose. Youssef couldn't help but smile when hearing them talk until he heard his daughter ask him "daddy can you marry Nathan so he can never leave?", his cheeks brighten as he turns to apologise to Nathan. "Nathan I'm so sorry, Rhea you can't just say that" he says stumbling over his words but Nathan chuckles "Darling it's fine plus if anything kid he's either gonna get tired of me or I end up asking him first" he teases causing the girl to giggle "if you leave I'll go with you" she says with a laugh. Youssef sarcastically gasps "my own daughter betraying me" he says with fake betrayal while kissing her hair.

Nathan looked at the two with soft eyes and smile as he takes a sip of his coffee 'holy shit I think I'm in love with him' he thinks to himself; when he realised what he had thought his cheeks turned red. Youssef had caught sight of this and smirked "are you alright, honey" he teases which Nathan responded with by nodding, not trusting his voice. Rhea giggles at him while climbing off the kitchen counter "Nathan loves daddy" she teases while running upstairs, hearing this makes Youssef just as hard as Nathan "is that true?" he stutters but Nathan just shrugs with a shy smile. Youssef grabs Nathan's hand and pulls him into the living room forcing him to sit on the sofa.

Once Nathan was sat down Youssef decided to sit down almost directly on his lap and rested his head on his shoulder. Youssef sighed "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before now and that's a bit mu-" he starts but Nathan interrupts "if they ever decide to get rid of her I call first dibs" he says causing Youssef to chuckle. Nathan runs a hand through Youssefs hair as whispers "Youssef I love her although I do have to ask how did your grumpy ass create an absolute ray of sunshine" Youssef just shrugs while placing a kiss on his lips.

Before they could get any further Rhea comes running in yelling "GOOSE" in an excited tone. Nathan turns to her with a blush on his cheeks while Youssef groans and sorts his hair "okay you show him Goose, Lieutenant Trouble" as she runs onto the sofa   climbing onto Nathan. Youssef moves away watching from the other end of the sofa as his daughter shows of her toy and all it's features. As she spoke Nathan listened with a smile while playing with her curls, the sight was so adorable that it could have drove him insane. Eventually a yawn disrupts her rambles causing Nathan to lay her against his chest, after a few minutes of incoherent rambling all that could be heard was her soft breathing. The scene did something to Youssef he wasn't sure what but something changed in him. As he takes in the sight he can't help but mumble "god I want to kiss you" and while he only mumbled Nathan still heard. Looking at him, he grabs Youssefs arm, without disturbing Rhea, and pulls him close then pressed his lips against the other's. When the two pulled Rhea stirred against Nathan's chest alerting them both. Youssef immediately placed a hand on her cheek trying to settle her as Nathan watched with intent "we should put her in bed" Youssef says as he helps Nathan stands.

His eyes immediately glanced towards Nathan's hands protectively cupping the back of her head as to let her not fall. When Youssef led him into her room Nathan was in awe at all the marvel and space related things  "no wonder she loves Captain Marvel so much I mean... wow" he says placing her down in her bed then sitting on the floor brushing a stray hair behind her ear. Youssef watched for a second then went to grab her pyjamas "Nathan, honey, can you take her costume off... if you don't mind" Youssef asks as Nathan turns to ask "are you sure?" so he nods. Nathan takes the costume off then Youssef comes and puts her pyjamas on hearing a chuckle from Nathan "Captain Marvel pyjamas too?" he asks; Youssef turns and kisses him "and nerf gun too" he whispers. He almost giggles at the shock and excitement on Nathan's face while pulling him into his bedroom. The two fall onto the bed cuddling as close as possible to each other and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

The next day Rhea woke up in her bed to the smell of waffles causing her to run downstairs. When she entered the kitchen, she gasped "YOU STAYED!" she yelled at the sight of Nathan; then turning to her dad she's asks "does that mean you two are getting married then?" causing Youssef to playfully roll his eyes.

"Maybe we will,Lieutenant Trouble".

I think I just wrote a younger version of me, anyway happy Father's Day

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