Little Gatsby

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The two were sat talking, well it was more Nathan flirting and Youssef stuttering out a response, in Youssef's classroom. Nathan was looking down at him with soft smile which made Youssef's heart flutter. Although they could hear footsteps they ignored them thinking it could be their colleagues. Nathan leaned in "so...what do you think? A formal date..." he whispered scratching his neck anxiously "just the two of us." He put his hand Youssef's face "maybe we..." but he was cut off by the sounds of this students and Nathan pulling away quickly. "We found a lost kitten please adopt him!!" Darcy yelled with excitement while Youssef held it looking at it with a soft but grumpy face. He handed the small kitten to Nathan and immediately started licking him "my my, he's very affectionate this one!it tickles". Youssef couldn't help but look up at him while blushing at the giggles that left his secret boyfriend. Youssef looked at the kitten while Nathan spoke "it's a big decision to take. I don't know if-" but Youssef cut him off "you are not keeping him." Nathan turned to him with a grumpy look on his face while Youssef looked down blushing "I am. I will adopt him".  While the students left with happiness written on their faces, Nathan grabbed his hand while still holding the kitten "so what will you name him?" He asked while pulling Youssef closer. They both looked at the kitten as if they were first time parents meeting there baby after it being born. While Youssef stroked the kitten softly his eyes softened and he whispered "Gatsby. Let's name him Gatsby". They looked at each other then at the kitten then Nathan rested his head on top of Youssef's "I like that". He knew the meaning behind the name which made him love it even more.

As they set off home, they made sure to stop at a pet shop to buy the necessities that they would need. They had expected Nathan to be the picky one but instead it was Youssef. The man had a huge soft side for this little kitten as it nuzzled against his palm. He had no idea how he went from planning a date to owning a cat, but yet it still happened. While Nathan went to grab food he looked at the collars and clothes. He had so many options and yet after 10 minutes of looking he still could not decide. Nathan came with a big bag of food placing in trolley "you know you can look online later if you can't decide now" he reminded him but youssef turned to him with a pouty face " but he needs one now". Nathan giggled at him and decided to help him. Thankfully he managed to help him find not only a collar but a little jumper as well. Now it came it the dreadful part. Finding this little kitty a bed. Since Nathan was smart he an idea of him picking the bed while Youssef got some toys. It wasn't after looking for 5 minutes and choosing the bed he realised his mistake. HE LEFT YOUSSEF IN CHARGE OF TOYS. He ran to Youssef making sure he hadn't gone over board and thankfully he hadn't. Nathan placed the bed in the trolley while walking behind Youssef to see what he was looking at. It was a stuffed animal with blue and yellow patches. Nathan grabbed it knowing that they both wanted to buy it. Once they grabbed everything else they needed, they paid for everything and placed in the car.

Once they got home they set everything up Nathan made them both a coffee and filled Gatsby's bowls with food and milk. Once he finished making the drinks he walked into the living room to see Youssef laying on the couch with a blanket covering him. He too had changed into something more comfortable, which was some joggers and one of Nathan's hoodies. He noticed the little kitten resting on his chest while he made slow gentle strokes. Nathan smiled softly to himself . He placed down both of the drinks on the coffee table and then kissed Youssef's hair. Feeling his presence he shuffled forward allowing Nathan to sit behind him and hold him. As youssef cuddled further into his chest Nathan turned on princess diaries. They only things they could hear that night was the movie playing and the soft purrs of a sleeping Gatsby on Youssef's chest.
These are basically a few ideas I had for the cat stuff:

|These are basically a few ideas I had for the cat stuff:

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