When the students found out

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'It's not his fault the way the students found out' youssef told himself in his head. It's like Nathan said those little shits just have selected focus. This had inevitably caused one of the girls in his class to spot the picture, of him and Nathan in Paris, sitting on his desk. It's not like he had it there to show off his relationship; it was actually there to help him resist the urge of killing his students when they got on his nerves. "OMG IS THAT MR AJAYI?" she yelled out, catching everyone's attention. Youssef took a deep breath as everyone sat waiting for him to answer "who the person in the picture is does not matter to you so I suggest you all carry on writing and forget about it" he stated and smiled softly at groaning of several students. Once the students started writing the door had opened to reveal Nathan. Youssef looked at him with a blush spread on his face "hope I'm not disturbing but Mr Farouk it seems I have found your notebook" Nathan said with a grin plastered on his face. Youssef stood up to grab the notebook "did you steal my notebook just so you could come see me?" he whispered, to which Nathan answered with a nod. Youssef looked up at him with a blush "see you at lunch?" he asked with soft tone to which Nathan responded with "of course, see you then" as he walked out the classroom. Youssef turned back to his class to see a bunch of smirking and shocked faced students. He thought about how he would address this so he sat down and opened his notebook to see Nathan had sticky note on the first page telling him how much he loved him and that nick and Charlie may have caught on. A smile was worn on his face after reading that, he looked up to see his students writing again and a few discussing. He looked at the picture, of him and Nathan, and felt warmth overtake his body. Without even looking at his class Youssef spoke "yes that is Mr Ajayi in the picture if you want to know what we were doing you can ask him about it" to which some gasped and some claimed the knew it. He noticed Imogen was going to leave the class "later Imogen not now" to which she pouted "but I-" she started but youssef wasn't going to let her win "Imogen if you sit down I'll let you all leave early so you can annoy Mr Ajayi". He had never seen the girl move so fast.
It was 5 minutes before the lesson ended and Youssef decided to let them go. It turned out one of the girls had messaged someone in Nathan's class as he got a text from Nathan saying "how dare you send your girls to come annoy the truth out of me" to which youssef responded with "oh please you love me. Do we tell Nick and Charlie later?". He knew that the two were the most suspicious out of everyone so clearly that made them deserve to hear it from the both of them. Nathan responded back "sure🤍 but let's not let Darcy find out the actual date of us first getting together because she will claim that she made us happen" youssef chuckled softly knowing full well Darcy would do that especially since she had been teasing him about his closeness with Nathan. Youssef decided to head over to Nathan's classroom and could hear Imogen begging to know more from down the hallway. He knocked on the door and Nathan turned with a smile on his face "you truly are evil, you know that?" he teased to which Youssef snarked back with "tell me that again and I'll get Gatsby to curse you". Imogen looked at them in confusion and asked "who's Gatsby?" causing the two to say in sync "oh Gatsby is are cat". She looked at them awestruck "WHAT...HOW LONG YOU BEEN DATING?" causing the two to laugh but they wouldn't tell her. That was their secret that only they would know.

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