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He didn't want to wake up. The feeling of a strong arm wrapped around his waist made him feel safe. He could feel his hair being played with, it felt nice... he liked nice.

"Youssef you need to wake up" Nathan whispered.

Not in a million years would Youssef plan on waking up, if he could stay in this position. He shook his head lightly against Nathan's soft stomach causing a soft chuckle to leave Nathan.

"Darling you have to wake up eventually or I can't give you your gifts"

He could tell his cheeks had turned pink from the way Nathan crest his face. He turned his head upwards and his eyes fluttered open. The sight that greeted him could never have anything compare.

Nathan was laying against the headboard with his glasses on and a face that looked at Youssef with nothing but pure love.

His heart skipped a beat when Nathan gave him a small smile. That's when a matching smile appeared on Youssef's face.

He carried on watching his boyfriend as he leant his head against his stomach and pressed a light kiss.

Nathan tousled his hair and then pulled Youssef up towards him; without hesitation Youssef pulled him into a soft kiss.

The kiss would have last forever if their three kittens hadn't intruded. Youssef pulled away as Goose smacked her head against Youssef's thigh, drawing a laugh out of Nathan. Gatsby then came climbing onto Youssef, purring as he was scratched behind the ears.

Nathan realised that their most newest addition to the family, Moon, was sat at a distant nervously watching. Nathan put his hand out towards the ragdoll cat and watched as she inspected the hand.

Moon soon came crawling onto his stomach and cuddled against him. The couple noticed how she gradually relaxed as Nathan gently stroked her fur.

"happy valentines,love" Nathan said while looking down at moon.

A blush appeared on Youssef's cheeks when hearing the words. Carefully, Nathan pulled himself out of bed and went to grab Youssef's gift.

It didnt take long which meant Youssef was soon climbing back into his arms. He felt Nathan press a kiss against his hair as he opened the bag revealing multiple gifts.

Each gift brought tears to Youssef's eyes. He had never realised how wel Nathan actually knew him, but seeing all the nightmare before Christmas and horror related things made his heart melt.

Youssef hadn't even realised that he had started crying until Nathan wiped them away.

"you made my gift look like shit" Youssef muttered making Nathan chuckle.

"I'll be the judge of that" Nathan teased while kissing him lightly.

It was then Youssef's turn to leave, while he was gone Nathan played with the kittens making sure they didn't run after the other man.

When Youssef came back, Nathan was quick to grab the bag out of his hands. He pulled out a gift box with a little bow on the top, not wasting anytime Nathan pulled off the lid.

Nathan's smile somehow grew even larger at the sight of gift. He took the gift into his hands and gently studied it with curiosity but also happiness.

"I remember you mentioning that you needed a new sketchbook and I also remembered how you wanted to try this one brand but they're barely in stock half the time, so after a little digging I managed to find this"

Nathan could feel tears in his eyes. He gently put the book back in the back and to one side.

Before Youssef could process what was happening, Nathan had pulled him into his arms. Nathan's whispered "I love you"'s warmed Youssef's cheeks. Everything Nathan did warmed his cheeks.
He wasn't perfect but he was Nathan and Youssef loved that about him.

"I know exactly who's going to be my muse for the first page"


Then Youssef felt the claws of Goose climbing his back.

"no, our sweet babies of course" Nathan teased.

Youssef chuckled "well our orange baby is being a bit of an asshole right now"

Nathan couldn't help but laugh as he tried to remove the cat from his boyfriends back. Thankfully, he had succeeded and placed the orange tabby with her siblings on Youssef's lap.

Nathan noticed that their was another gift inside the bag. Although this one was wrapped up in paper. The paper was soon torn off revealing a colourful vase and Lego sunflowers and wildflower bouquets.

Nathan couldn't help but stare at them in awe before asking "youssef?"


"do you wanna help me build them?"

Nathan didn't ask because he already knew the answer to his question. Youssef was nodding hard that Nathan had been surprised he didn't get whiplash.

Before the two got fully ready Nathan pulled Youssef into another kiss.

"happy valentines, love"

"happy valentines, darling"
A little cheesy one shot for Valentines

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