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(Trigger warning: mentions of homophobia )

Throughout the day Nathan had started to realise a few slight things. The things he noticed while they weren't big they were definitely worrying, the most worrying being that his own boyfriend was becoming distant. Although distant would be an understatement as Youssef had been fully avoiding him the whole day, he hadn't even had dinner with him which confused both Nick and Charlie  as they were used to the two of them teasing each other.
It was the end of the day now and Nathan was hoping to get a word in with his boyfriend. As he was packing away the rest of his books he heard knock on his door, once he had turned he saw both Tara and Darcy stood. The two girls stood at the door looking tense but still smiling "Mr Ajayi, is their any reason as to why Mr Farouk could be so sad lately?" Tara asked softly as Darcy stood next to her "because he's normally grumpy but like lately it's not even grumpy he's full on sad and my gay-dar says something is going on between you two even though Tara says their isn't" Darcy started to rant. Nathan chuckled at the girl's ranting but stopped once he realised that his boyfriend was in emotional distress, he looked at the two girls and asked desperately "girls, do you know where Mr Farouk is right now?" to which they nodded telling him that he's in his classroom. Before they could ask what's wrong, Nathan had ran out the classroom leaving the girls looking at each other "maybe their just good friends" Tara suggested but she knew her girlfriend thought otherwise from the grin on her face.
Nathan had reached outside Youssef classroom with his heart beating rapidly as he knocked on the door. After a few seconds (but what felt like forever) the door opened to reveal the shorter man who had slight anxiety in his eyes seeing Nathan. They stared at each other for a short while then Youssef pulled him in his classroom with shaky hands which had worried Nathan. Youssef had locked the door once Nathan came in and then sat in his chair staring at the ground causing his boyfriend to watch in confusion "what happened Seff?" he asked with caution. He watched as Youssef started to mess with the sleeve of his blazer "some are becoming suspicious" he said barely above a whisper, "okay so you ignore me instead of talking about to me about it" Nathan responded sounding nastier than anticipated. He looked as his boyfriend gripped the sleeve of his blazer looking up at him with anger in his eyes "NATHAN THEY CALLED US FUCKING FAGS" he yelled with pain and anxiety in his voice causing Nathan to flinch as he took cautious steps closer to him. The tears poured down Youssefs face as his anxiety took over "Nathan I don't want to be a f..f..fa" before he could finish Nathan had silenced him with a comforting hug rocking him back and forth. Tears from the smaller man drenched his shirt causing his heart to wrench as he sat them both down "Seff darling, listen to me you aren't that at all and I feel horrible knowing that I didn't properly prepare you for this" he started pausing to place a soft kiss his lovers hair then he continued "but you have to know darling that what they say doesn't define who you are and I'm not gonna lie by saying it gets better because it doesn't and it probably never will". Nathan stopped speaking and looked down to see his boyfriend staring up at him with a blush on his cheek. He kissed him on the nose and whispered "tell me who called you that and I'll kill them" causing Youssef to giggle slightly and snuggle closer to his chest.
The next day two of the teachers had been pulled out of the classroom and all that could be heard from the principal office was back and forth yelling. It put a small smile on Youssef's face as his hero crept up beside him "careful Mr Farouk don't want to ruin your reputation of being one of the grumpiest teachers to walk the earth" Nathan whispered to him causing his cheeks to heat up. Suddenly a bang was heard from the office "someone's getting fired" Youssef stated dryly as to not look too suspicious knowing that further down Darcy and Tara was watching the pair closely. Youssef turned to Nathan with his smile being worn in his eyes "Passe une merveilleuse journée mon héros chéri, merci de les avoir traités" he whispered to him.
Darcy and Tara watched them with a strong eye "What do you think their talking about?" Tara asked actually curious. She turned looking up to Darcy "They are clearly talking about how much they love each other and will marry each other" Darcy responded causing Tara to give a look that said 'really babe' but Darcy shrugged "the gay-dar never lies". Tara laughed at her girlfriend and started walking to class with her.

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