Sick days

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It was 5 o'clock in the morning and youssef was down stairs making a coffee and some honey tea for Nathan. The whole night Nathan had been sniffling and breathing heavy, which really concerned Youssef. Once he finished the drinks he took them upstairs to get changed and give Nathan's his drink. When he walked back in their bedroom he saw a flushed face and barely awake Nathan trying to get up to get ready for work. Youssef wasn't going to allow this. He speeded to him setting the drinks on the bedside table then pushing him down on the bed. Nathan looked up with a drowsy smirk "hi" he said with a croaky voice causing youssef to roll his eyes at his boyfriends antics "no you're staying in bed" he said with a stern voice while standing up getting changed into his work clothes. Nathan watched with a drowsy smirk as his boyfriend changed "I'm not complaining about the view but I'm fine" he breathed out causing youssef to squint at his boyfriend's stubbornness "Nathan you sound like you're dying". Be stubborn bastard he is he responded with "no I don-" and proceeded to break into a coughing fit which caused Youssef to run to him grabbing his tea and helping him sip it slowly. "Okay maybe I am sick". Youssef giggled at his boyfriend.
They had eventually made it down stairs, youssef in his work clothes and Nathan still in his pyjamas. Slowly laying on the couch Nathan cuddled up with several blankets and his art book while youssef brought him breakfast and some water. He knelt beside him "is there anything you need me to grab before I leave" he asked with sincerity, Nathan grumbled "paracetamol please" and that he did grab. Before he kissed Nathan on the head "if anything happens call me,okay?" He said protection lacing his voice. Nathan just nodded.
Youssef was teaching his year 11s and checking his phone every 10 minutes. His thoughts were not in a good place thinking 'what if something bad happen that caused him to not be able to text'. He tried to concentrate on the lesson but he couldn't. Eventually he realised that he was pacing and decided to sit down. The year 11s just watched him confusion as they never had saw him that way. He carried on teaching until he heard it. His phone was ringing. He turned it and Nathan's number and out the classroom while answering the call. He immediately bombarded him with questions and went quiet when he heard "youssef it hurts I feel so gross and can't move". Fear covered his face. He promised to be home soon. He quickly ran to reception to explain that he need to leave as soon as possible. They understood the urgency and once they fully did he ran back his classroom and packed his stuff, dismissing class in the process.
Once he got home and locked the door, he dropped everything and ran to his boyfriend. He dropped beside him catching his breath while pulling off his coat. Nathan turned to face and he really did look horrible. Hurt was in Youssef's eyes as he raised a hand to check how warm he was and not only was he warm but he could feel him sweating a little. Youssef pulled him into a hug resting his head on his shoulder. It was quite until he heard Nathan crying which caused him to hold him tighter. All he could do was rub his back and tell him it'll get better . Once Nathan had calmed down Youssef got changed into a hoodie and joggers then rushed down stairs to check up on Nathan. He was sleeping peacefully with tears staining his face. He looked beautiful was all youssef could think. He went into the kitchen and decided on making soup for them both.
About an hour later Nathan woke up to the smell of soup. He smiled drowsily. Youssef walked in with two bowls and set them on the coffee table. Climbing behind Nathan and pulling him close he asked "wanna watch a movie?". He felt a small nod against his chest. He put on Disney+ and decided on watching black panther. They both ate there soup in silence with a few giggles and gasps. Eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms. Nathan still being sick but feeling better.
Sorry it took so long to post I've been doing my GCSEs and haven't much time or ideas so requests are welcome. Also sorry this one dragged and didn't make sense

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