Many steps to realisation

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"What's wrong with him?"

That's what Darcy was asked as the Paris Gang watched her 'dads' from a far. The girl could only sigh at the sight "Youssef has fallen in love... but he's too dumb to realise" she said. The teens could only nod at her answer because she was right. Darcy could only pray he figured out soon since she really didn't want to be the one to tell him.
That event had occurred three weeks ago. Sadly, the man had still yet to realise it and, in actuality, the situation had gotten worse.

The 'family' had been sat together watching a film in the living room. Well, Darcy and Nathan watched the movie while Youssef watched Nathan with his pupils dialated. She could tell he was in love from the way his cheeks were flushed, which had now started happening at just the sight and mention of Nathan. It truly sucked for Darcy since she couldnt even make fun of him since it would lead to confusion, explanation and then denial.

Nathan got up and start walking out, when he turned back around Youssef was looking at him like a wounded deer "im just going to the bathroom" he told him. Youssef nodded and turned back to the movie.

Darcy could only sigh and roll her eyes at him, which got her a confused and moody glance. Without turning to him she said "You're in love with Nathan", she already knew that his eyes were wide and his face flushed. He took a few deep breaths "I'm not in love with him, I just think hes nice to be around and cuddle and talk to and look at. THATS NORMAL IN A RELATIONSHIP" he stuttered out but made sure to enunciate the last part. Darcy just smirked, "denial is a river in Egypt" making her receive a pillow to the back of her head.

When Nathan walked back in Youssef went back to being clingy and loving. To be honest, she wasn't even surprised especially when he started cuddling into Nathan. Darcy wouldn't admit it but she liked that they weren't afraid to be affectionate around her, especially since her mother and father weren't the best role models when it came to love and affection.
It had finally happened. He finally realised, technically. Darcy was in the kitchen finishing up her last bit of homework when Youssef pretty much ran in. He took a couple of breaths then started ranting.

"So Darcy my sweet angel, I DO NOT mean to use you as a therapist but I can't talk to Nathan about it because well... I can't. Anyway lately I have been feeling almost... fluttery... when looking at Nathan, at first I thought that maybe it was just my caffeine addiction giving me crippling anxiety but then I realised that didn't make any sense.

I mean why would caffeine only kick in and give me crippling anxiety when I look at the prettiest boy alive, plus wouldn't I feel it in my chest and not my stomach. So maybe you are right about the whole me and Nathan thing. Also I do also feel constant tingling in my chest but that's not important right now"

Once he had finished Darcy could only look at him in shock while mouthing 'wow'. She took his slightly shaking hand and smiled "okay, first you are definitely in love with Nathan it's been obvious for a while. Second, please sort out your caffeine addiction before it actually kills you. Third, its been agreed that Josh Hutcherson is actually the prettiest boy alive no offence to Nathan" she told him. This response had made her recieve a glare that only made her snort as he walked out the kitchen.
The Paris Gang were once again hanging out, this was when Charlie asked Darcy about Youssef and Nathan. She sighed slightly as everyone gathered around "nothing much has happened except that Youssef realised he might actually be in love... but still in denial about the unhealthy coffee addiction", everyone seemed reasonably happy at that response. Charlie looked at her and smirked "the caffeine's probably gonna kill him before he actually confess" he said while everyone chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Darcy could only hope he confessed soon, she truly believed that he deserved a chance at being in love. Something told her deep down that it would happen soon.
Technically she was right about it being soon. It had been two weeks since that thought. Currently she was practicing her crocheting while also doing random doodles in a sketch book, but as she did this she was also listening in on her 'dads'. The two were currently in their room watching scream, Somehow, Youssef had managed her convinced Nathan to watch horror movies with him and honestly Darcy found it entertaining.

She was smiling that's when she heard it. "I love you". Her mouth fell agape in shock as she tried to hold back her laughter. But then Darcy couldnt hold it in at Nathan's response "what did you say", the girl fell to the floor silently laughing hoping not to bring too much attention to.

Once she calmed down, Darcy grabbed her phone an opened the group chat.

𝖣𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗒:𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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