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"Do you think we should get Mr Farouk?" Charlie whispered to Nick as they looked at Nathan. It was clear that he was mad at something but they weren't sure what. Charlie looked at Nick as he nodded in agreement, they had sneaked out of the classroom and went straight to Mr Farouk's. Once they reached the door to the classroom Nick had been the one to knock.
The door opened to reveal a confused Mr Farouk "Nick, Charlie what can I do for you?" he asked wondering why they were here instead of the art room or outside. Nick took a breath "So me and Charlie went into the art room and we saw Mr Ajayi but the thing is he looked really annoyed, almost like you sometimes" he explained mumbling the last part. Concern washed over Youssef's face "okay, will you two be fine with going outside so I can talk to him alone?" he asked as the two nodded. Youssef started to walk to the art room wondering what could of pissed him off.
He sneaked into the art room and leaned against the wall. They were right he did look pissed. Sighing he spoke "hi darling" which startled Nathan. They met eyes as Youssef sat on the table he was at and then grabbed his hands. Playing with his fingers he asked "What's making you all grumpy, darling" to which Nathan just sighed and rested his forehead against Youssef's knee. Instead of playing with his fingers he went on to playing with his hair, as he waited for a respond. "Courtney said you were hot and how she wants to ask you out or do more...". Youssef sighed and smiled "and you wanted to say something but also didn't want to risk anything " he whispered to him. Nathan tensed "oh no I didn't want to say something I wanted to kill her. I mean how could I not when she talked about your ass, only I'm allowed to look at your ass not her" he growled causing Youssef to laugh. He lifted Nathan's head and met each other's eyes. He smiled with a small blush "you like my ass?" he teased which made Nathan turn pink. Youssef slightly laughed "I'm kidding, darling. I already knew anyway" he stated to the man who's head was resting in his hands. The two sat in silent as Youssef traced Nathan's features with his thumbs. Breaking the silence Youssef whispered "I can't believe you're jealous... and because of me", he looked down with affection in his eyes. Nathan looked at him "how could I not be" he told him as affection laced his voice. The two shared a kiss before Youssef left so they could prepare for their lessons.
The next day, Youssef had been in his classroom preparing for his lesson before it started when Courtney walked in. He turned and greeted with a slight smile "Miss Abbott, how can I help you?" he asked as she stepped further into the classroom. She took a deep breath "Mr Farouk, hey I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab dinner some time, just the two of us on a date" she asked making sure her point was clear. Youssef straightened up "I'll have to decline as you aren't my type. sorry" he said feeling guilty until he heard a gasp from her "also taken". Confusion hit him until he looked at his phone and saw the slight top of a hickey. God he's gonna kill Nathan. His cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment "I'm so so so sorry, Courtney. I genuinely had no idea I was given this until you pointed it out" he stuttered out as she smiled and asked "want me to help cover it?". He nodded, still feeling bad. Once it was covered and Courtney left, a couple minutes after Nathan walked in with a small smirk. Youssef raised an eyebrow "you gave me a hickey?" he asked with a smile. Nathan sat on his knee and kissed him "mine" he simply stated. Youssef just shook his head and mumbled "jealousy is kinda cute on you".
Also thanks to crimeboyswriter for the idea of this oneshot. Hope you enjoyed🤍

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