Noche Buena 🦋

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Hello readers,  it's been a while!

Christmas Eve is drawing near, and the Araneta family awoke joyfully feeling the reason for the season and the birth of Jesus.

Greggy and Irene awoke along with Yara, but Irene remained in the room to take a shower and begin making what it is they are going to cook, whereas Greggy did go down to their backyard to sip his latte, followed by their daughter.

Their children and grandchildren are still sleeping for it is still early in the morning, so they opted not to disturb them and let them rest as it will be a long night later.

Greggy's youngest child hugged him as he drank his coffee.

Yara: Good morning, daddy!
Greggy: *shocked* Oh! Koala bear, good morning my sunshine, Merry Christmas, hija. *kiss his daughter on the cheeks*

Yara: Merry Christmas, Dad! Here, take this *handed him a present*
Greggy: What is it, hija?

Yara: Open it!

Greggy opened it and was astounded by his daughter's Christmas present: a Rolex Champagne Dial Datejust watch.

Greggy: Yara, this is so expensive
Yara: Did you like it?

Greggy: Yes, I do like it! Thank you for this koala bear!
Yara: You're welcome, dad!

Greggy: But it really is pricey, and I'm hoping you wouldn't pay so much that you spend so much money on your savings.
Yara: No, dad, it's my extras! And also, as I told you, I'll make bawi to you because you deserve it. Really, it is my way of saying thank you to you, for providing me with everything and making our lives comfortable. I love you, mom, and our family.

Greggy was so moved by what his child said to him that he just hugged and kissed her on the forehead while Yara sat next to him and placed her head on his shoulder.

Irene found her husband and their daughter were both smiling brightly and looking so sweet together and then she just stared at them and smiled happily seeing them.

(Irene's POV)
This is one of the things I want to see when I wake up, my Greggy and our baby who are so sweet with each other and, it's really warm to have a great husband and an affectionate child, I'm just very grateful in these two every day when we were around each other my heart has always been at ease and is the happiest.

Irene: Look how sweet naman these too!Good morning my baby *hold her chin with matching nose to nose*
Yara: Good morning my mommy!

Greggy: Merry Christmas, mi amore! *kiss his wife*
Irene: Merry Christmas, honey!

Irene sat in the garden with her husband and daughter as they were served tea and warm milk for Yara, as well as cereal, and they just chatted while relaxing during the quiet time.

Alfonso and Andy were the next to go down; Xandra and her younger daughter Thali had just awoken, and Irene promptly took her grandchild so that Xandra could prepare her son's food.

Luis, on the other hand, was with his two kids, Thiago and Max, and he assisted it first and took a shower so when they were finished they'll be eating breakfast already because their parents knew they would be outside the whole day.

Luis: Shobs!
Yara: Yes, Shoti?

Luis: Can you look for a Holiday Bingo template?
Yara: Of course, of course!

Luis: Thanks Yar!

Alfonso: Do you have any activities in mind, Yar?
Yara: Achi Xandra is preparing some stuff for the gingerbread!

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