Chapter Two

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Scarlett Louviere

Fucking asshole.

As I climbed the stairs I tugged at my books straightening them while attempting to find out where the Chemistry classroom was in this giant school.

I felt out of place Lycée Louis-Le-Grand wasn't like this, well aside from the schools came from the same era, but my parents were paying sixteen thousand dollars a month to have me go here and within the first few minutes of getting here some idiot fuckboy who I am definitely out of his league attempts to flirt with me, then I ran into this raven haired asshole.

A very good looking raven haired asshole.

Wait what the fuck shut up.

There also wasn't a uniform here which I was thankful for because I had way to many clothes to not wish to wear a different outfit each day. So only one good thing so far but the people suck.

As I paced the halls I quickly found the right classroom and walked in to the back right corner desk setting my stuff down, and leaving the room to go outside because I certainly had no intention of sitting in the classroom looking like I was excited to be here.

I would be bored that's why I took all AP classes.

Walking through the halls I eventually found an empty hallway and sat down in the solarium area that looked over the Polo field outside.

"Taking in the view".

The comment made me jump more then it should have and immediately spinning around I had gone to throw a punch at whoever was behind me but they dodged it.

"Woah, calm down I didn't mean to scare you" he smiled warmly.

I recognized him but I didn't know his name, he had been out on the lawn this morning when I got here.

"Sorry, natural reaction" I exhaled looking up at him.

His dark brunette hair was neat though a little bit unruly, his blazer hung off his arm, while both his hands were stuffed in his pockets.

"Happens to the best of us" he muses looking at me through his round glasses, and the jade colour behind them seemed to scream intelligence. The boy then shakes his head and pulls his left hand out of his pocket extending it to me.

"Lucian Harrington" he introduces and I eye him not really being able to hide the smile that slipped onto my face, before I copied his action.

"Scarlett Louviere".

"Louviere as in the French Finance company?" he implores seeking confirmation though he seemed smart enough to know the answer to that.

"Harrington as in the tech security company?".

The smile on his face grows before he opens his mouth to continue speaking but two more boys round the corner chasing one another though the woody brown haired one stops first, before the blonde cascades into him.

"Lucian I never took you for one to talk to girls" the first boy comments before looking at me with a boyish smirk. "Zavier Ambrose, and who are you beautiful?".

"Not your next one night stand" I confidently reply, "also you can call me Scarlett, Zavier".

The blonde immediately starts laughing, while watching Lucian smile in amusement.

I then do a scan of them and I figure out who the blonde boy is.

"If this is Lucian, the flirt is Zavier, then you are Theo Niles" I guess looking at the blonde who beamed in happiness.

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