Chapter Seventy Two

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Weeks passed after that day people didn't know about it at first, the chatter in the halls gradually took note of the absense of the grey Urus in the parking lot and that Thornbrook's typical array of people that associated themselves with Levi.

Sitting behind the wheel of my Mercedes Benz GTS I looked out of the window at New York City and all of the buildings though in the distance I could see Winters Group Tower soaring high above the rest of the surrounding Financial District buildings that so many other companies operated from yet it always remained there proclaiming to the world that they had power.

Money, Blood, and Family.

I knew that New York wasn't a poor place many of the inhabitants here were millionaires, but the five most powerful families were much like a chaebol.

Often I even felt the scrupulous pressure that was put with the Winters Family name and I felt like caving to it but I never did. I'd been to too many galas, and charities, been taught the etiquette expected at the events and to treat my name like a badge.

Though the two C-Class sedans following me did make it semi-clear that I was protected.

Entering the premises of Thornbrook the cars split off and made a full circle to head back.

My dad had caved slightly allowing me to drive myself to school which both my sisters though disliking the fact I got that privilege saw why. They had a farther journey to get to school then I did, and so the convoy made sense for them.

Parking I got out of the car before locking it and walking over to the tree where I waited for my friends to arrive which wasn't that long after.

First it was Lucian, then Theo, Scarlett got here the same time as Zavier which subsequently meant Lea as well though the latter didn't look to good.

Despite being dressed in her usual style that was on par with her social class, her eyes betrayed mild paranoia.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Theo beams though it was a comforting smile.

"I did kind of" Lea says and I do a quick scan of the school grounds.

"Secret room, all of us. Lea can explain there" I state and everyone nods before we headed off making a swift ascension to the library where I pulled the lever and we all entered the room.

Sitting down I walked into the kitchen area and took a glass before pulling out mint leaves and pressing them with a knife before allowing the extract to go into the glass. After filling it with water and ice I carried it over to Lea.

"It'll keep you calm" I say before sitting down in my chair.

"What happened?" Scarlett asks and I smile softly at the fact she could be a hard-ass and yet she was equally as caring.

"Last night I had gone out for dinner with a few girl friends, and when I went outside to call my driver Levi's dad came up to me. Carrick De'Vincent is in New York. He ended up calling me a bastard child and told me that I was illegitimate because I'm not his daughter" Lea says as a tear lines the bottom of her eyelid.

"What do you mean?" Theo asks looking genuinely sad for her.

"She's the half sister to Levi. They share a mom but not a dad" Lucian says.

"How is that..." Zavier trails off looking from Lucian to me.

"Her mom had an affair to concieve her. There are pictures of Katherine and Daemon together during the trial of Levi De'Vincent. However they dated in the past they're together later in life after they made something of themselves" I explain holding my hands together unhooked in front of me without meeting anyone's eye.

"How do you know that?" Lea asks as Theo ran to go get a box of tissues but reappeared with a roll of toilet paper.

Charming bitches.

"When Levi got expelled and your parents were at the school I noticed how familiar you looked compared to Levi and Carrick".

"I also had access to birth records, and travel records. Carrick De'Vincent wasn't in country during the time that you would have been concieved. There was also legal record of Carrick having hurt your mom. I'm guessing here but I think Daemon treated her fairly and didn't neglect her which was why she had you with him. So even if you are an affair child. You have parents that love you and treat each other well" I add looking back up at Lea with a soft smile.

"The son of the Devil of New York having dirt on someone and not blackmailing them" Lea laughs.

"You're welcome here, you always were besides Zavier is dating you which would be unfair to harbour unfair opinions of you without actually knowing you".

"Thank you all of you, for welcoming me despite being related to Levi".

"Don't judge people on who their parents are. Personal character speaks louder then familial reputation" Scarlett says leaning against the armrest of my chair where I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"My parents hold government secrets" Lucian says taking off his glasses and cleaning them.

"Mine have designed the homes of some very twisted people" Zavier adds.

"The Louviere Family has a shady history" Scarlett muses with a punched smile.

"Winters Group International is a sceretive company and originally my family built their wealth from war" I say.

One by one as we all said something about our family's Lea smiled looking more and more comforted.

"Lea all of our families have dark secrets things that if fully opened up to the world would taint their reputations. But that doesn't make us bad people what we do to fix wrongs and to be better is what truly defines us. We'll all be here for you. You're essentially a member of this group of family friends" I reassure.

I then watch Theo hug Lea then Scarlett, and Zavier. Lucian and I watched both of us smiling.

"You all are so sweet to me" she says as Zavier dabbed a tear from her eye.

"That's why we're here to always be here for you no matter what" Scarlett says as she returned to her spot on the arm rest.

"Just to get them to open their mouthes. I would actually go to war for everyone in this room and those close to us" I say.

"Its the unspoken pact we've had since we were all small" Zavier says.

"Nathan has the power to ruin every top Exec in this city" Lucian says.

"I do not" I muse.

My cousin gave me a blank look as if to say 'don't try to deny that'.

"You're a Winters you could mutter under your breath and someone could disappear because your parents run the world economy" Lucian quips.

"Shut up Harrington".

Lucian then smirked in victory which was rare when it happened because normally I couldn't be bested.

"I think I'm done with people for today, I feel like staying here all day" I admit.

"You just got here!" Theo exclaims.

"And, I hate people".

"Fair" Lucian hums right before the bell rings and they stand to leave.

"I'll bring you the work for the day" Scarlett says.

"Thank you" I say as she left the room along with the boys and Lea leaving me in peaceful silence.

Pulling out my laptop I then pulled open the file on Carrick De'Vincent and found that both him and Levi had disappeared last night.


My brain was blank for a few minutes before it made me realize everyone is a target then, which now means everyone has to be protected.

I have now double updated now I have a one day excuse if I need it for a test day. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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