Chapter Sixty Eight

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Driving through the mountains of the Alps once again was a beautiful sight I was also on the opposite side of Italy and I knew it same as the boys as we all cruised through the roads down through Serbia currently our goal was Podgorica Montenegro which meant the whole day driving once again however considering that I was taking in the sights and I was loving the journey I had no complaints about the trip.

Passing over the border an hour later we were officially in Montenegro. It was a beautiful country and in many ways I was reminded of France and Italy though I suppose it was technically apart of a vast mountain range along the East side of the Adriadic Sea, what I also wondered was if Nathan would have the Cerberus sailed over to Podgorica so that we didn't really have to drive to Greece.

"What area of Greece was the St. Laurent family from".

"Two things one St. Laurent is French because the family immigrated to France from Greece in eighteen seventy, and stayed there in Paris for many years. Two the name in Greek was Laurentius, so if you were to go back to I believe the mid eighteen-hundreds you'd find a woman named Anastasia Laurentius".

"That's a pretty name" I say.

"Yes it is. Despite all the dark in my family the modern woman who married in or were born to the family had very peaceful lives".

"Do you ever wish for a peaceful life?" I ask.

"Yes, but I won't get it so really I just crave a simple life, I don't want complicated I was simple when I come home at the end of the day. I actually hate drama, think it's one of the most ridiculous things in the world".

"Luckily for you I've had my share of drama, and don't like it either".

Nathan scoffs, "at least home will be nice, being in public will be a fucking nightmare though because of being CEO's in a year".

"I think we'll be fine, we'll make it all work in the end" I reassure knowing that Nathan had a habit of thinking a lot about the future and considering he was a bit of a control freak and a cunning manipulator of events it would serve him well once he sat in the office of his father but until then I keep him contained and calm.

"I'm glad I met you Scarlett, you're an amazing girl. And I wouldn't choose anyone else" Nathan says delivering his compliment so smoothly that it partially caught me off guard before I blushed.

"Stop flattering me and look at the road" I shoot back smiling lightly out of the window.

I was supposed to be a smartass and sarcastic and then around this boy I'm a quite a bit softer. He made me a different kind of person same as how I brought him down a few notches.

I loved him though, the witty comments, and teasing, the way he could make me feel safe and warm. Over time I saw the same admirable defensiveness his dad exibited over his wife and children, towards me. The intensity many people viewed as an attribute of the Winters Family was also not just for intimidation it showed up when they were passionate about someone, or something they cared about or admired.

One of the oldest families in the world and they all remain so simple, yet so very complicated.

Probably why I found Nathan so interesting is that he likely knew most of the history and just kept it to himself further proving that the family as a whole passed on this secresism that they all held. The lack of posh snobbiness that people might expect was a shocker too.

Though I suppose when a family gets to a certain age values change over time, and something that I found interesting was that they all did things for the better of other people, to help other people.

People see the wolf, not the viper in the grass.

After hearing that saying I thought of all the places that applied to them in different ways. Though it did fit the more I thought about it.

Eventually Nathan pulled into Podgorica and began weaving through the streets until we got to the marina where, confirming my suspicion was his yacht waiting for us.

"A night in luxury sounded better then shelling out money to sleep in a villa numerous other people have rented" Nathan says and I smile while rolling my eyes.

Getting down to the dock he was let onto a loading harbour and we all drove the cars to the boat before pulling into the six car garage. Parking in one of the spare spots we got out along with the boys before the side closed and we walked through the boat towards the front of the vessel.

"I love this view" Nathan says as we walk along the hallways of his boat looking outside until it was covered by where the suites were and then we had to take different hallways to avoid the sides of the master suite and walked out onto the foredeck where we could look over the ocean as the yacht travelled down through the sea towards Greece and the capital city Athens.

"It is impressive, I actually think it's kinda interesting that you live in New York and you spend money to travel to new places" I say.

"The world is vast and beautiful and I like that it holds so much potential that so few people actually try to discover. I want to see the world" Nathan says as the yacht passed along the coastal towns of Montenegro.

I could tell that Nathan liked Europe whether that was because his family was traditionally from here, or that he simply enjoyed the change of scenery from the US compared to here.

The world's tallest mountains couldn't challenge him though.

I had seen that he was motivated and with the right amount challenge Nathan would prove anyone wrong just to make sure he was right, and I admired it because now it all made sense, the seeking to constantly prove himself even after he had been told the same story his parents had mentioned to me. Nathanial Winters wouldn't ever be as vicious or cunning, or ruthless as his father even he knew that but that was because Adrian Winters had been raised in a lifestyle where he physically had to rebuilt the reputation of a two hundred year dynasty. Nathan had to preserve it and what that had meant to both father and son was to solidify the Winters name to the point it could no longer be disputed by anyone.

Even my own parents had told me that if anyone was to challenge the Winters Family their were so many scenarios that were on the table and that meant that there was likely a list of people who had disappeared, left the country, or died challenging them. It was the most powerful empire in the world and for some reason life allowed me to be dating the heir to said empire.

Nathan however gave me hope I looked at him and saw a very complicated person who saw the beauty in everything, and ability to change the world just like his parents. I looked at him and saw the person I loved and I had a feeling that in a few years people would see the cities second generation couple of two very prominent companies join together completing the big five in New York.

But even without all that money and power I'd love Nathan anyways and I would spend as much time as it took to show him that I wanted to be the best girlfriend he has had, because I know deep down this will be my last, and I hope I am his too.
When they get back to New York all hell breaks loose just saying so be prepared for that, all of you should know my books tend to be hectic and I don't fully know the path that I want to go with for this series oh well I guess we will see, I either have a series end or a single book end both are good but y'all will hate me for it. comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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