Chapter Thirty Seven

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Friday night I watched as my parents slid into the back seat of their car, while I would take a different one to the airport for all of us to go to Paris.

Despite leaving, Paris was home for us, it's where my parents grew up, and met each other, it's where I spent most of my childhood too.

Nathan was staying in the US having promised to spend Christmas with the boys, but I also knew he was going to his grandparents home though he never told me where that was.

Pulling on a tan coat, and a black scarf that matched the beret on my head, I stepped out the front door to watch the gate open and Nathan's Range Rover pulled through the gate.

I thought he'd be in Manhattan.

Walking to the car he rolled down the passenger side window revealling the rather well dressed raven haired boy in the deiver seat.

"Get in, I already talked to Phillip about driving you" he says lifting the Vente Starbucks coffee he must have bought for himself to his lips.

"Of course you have" I roll my eyes and pulled open the passenger door and slid into the warm vehicle.

"To JFK I assume" he says.

"Yeah, my parents jet is there" I say and he nods before turning and driving off.

"My parents left last night with my sisters to London, they'll be in Knightsbridge right now, probably just waking up actually".

"I feel poor when with all of you" I muse with a smile, and Nathan looks at me then back to the road.


"Because the Winters Family has a century of prestige, and legacy behind it. The Louviere's made their money in my lifetime".

"Don't feel that way, your parents are family friends of mine, that means that you are essentially untouchable, particularly because you're the daughter of a billionaire, and the girlriend of another".

"Money doesn't equal protection" I remark, and he smirks.

"At lease you're not naïve, also just so you know, you and I are pretty well protected" he assures.

"How can you be so sure about that".

"You ever hear about the kidnapping of a Thornbrook student from Junior Prom?" he asks and I am silent for a moment before nodding recollecting, hearing about that on just one occurrence.

"It was my mom, and my dad locked down Manhattan, no one was leaving the island in any way, curfew was imposed, and for four days the city was under will of the person labelled a devil" Nathan explains.

"She was saved I take it?".

"Yes, but I wasn't given many details by my parents, they're pretty secretive about their pasts".

"Fair enough, but what does that have to do with us being safe?".

"My parents have over two hundred bodyguards on payroll since that incident".

I was silent, I couldn't imagine what that must have been like growing up with.

Nathan already put himself under pressure but he also wasn't exactly nice to himself pushing himself to do as well as he possibly could every second of the day.

Guess that's what happens when your family expectation is the best of the best.

The hour drive was actually rather peaceful, and as we pulled into the VIP gate I spotted my parents getting on their plane.

Nathan the slowed by the car and stopped before unlocking the doors and getting out with me.

"What are you?" I trail off before he pulls me into his arms, holding me tight enough that I could feel his heartbeat.

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