Chapter Fifty Four

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We searched for over two hours before finding Nathan's location on the edge of the Connecticut border at the dock we had gone to together.

It had been a last ditch though of where I suspected him of going.

Setting the helicopter down Olivia turned to me.

"I think it might he best if you talk to him first before we appear" she says and Adrian tilts his head to the side while giving her an inquisitive look.

"Okay" I say pushing open the back door and slipping out before closing it and heading towards the dock where he sat at the end with his legs pulled to his chest.

"Nathan" I say and he doesn't reply so I keep getting closer.

"Nathan" I repeat, more steps.

At that point I could hear his breathing which was nearly normal other then the cracking it occasionally was releasing.

"Mia amour" I say softly and he turns to face me and I let out a small gasp.

His face is stained red from tears, and the cool air showcased his uneven breathing more clearly.

"Oh mon dieu, tu vas bien?" I say softly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just wanted to be out here where I find peace in the event my emotion got the best of me" Nathan says standing and wordlessly I opened my arms and he looked at the gesture then at me before I spotted the lip quiver as he decided.

Slowly step by step he moved towards me before his arms and the warmth that comforted me, and I believe could comfort anyone surrounds me.

But right now he needs comfort.

"Tell me about it, all of it" I request and he hums though it vaguely sounds like a coo.

"I'm scared Scarlett about not being enough" he says, the strength his words held like mist on a mid summers morning, and calm like a serene Atlantic night.

"For who?" I say refusing to let go and it was clear he didn't want me to let go.

"For my parents because I try so hard and I don't want to let them down, for my friends for having my mood to deal with, and you for always seeing the darkness in me even when I try to show the light".

Those words would be beautiful if they weren't sadly poetic.

"We were all born in the dark, and brought to the light, and sometimes when we fall to the dark again at some point we encounter a light to bring us back" I say and I could feel him smile on my cheek.

"I think you're that person for me Scarlett" he says quietly and I felt the wave of adrenaline pass through my body at those words.

"I want to be that person for you" I say moving my head so I could look at him and I was met with a smile of admiration.

"I guess we'll get to find out" Nathan says before we both heard footsteps and looked up to see Adrian and Olivia standing at the opposite end of the dock looking at both of us.

I briefly felt like I was staring at the future self that Nathan and I would face but I also knew it was time for me to go so he could talk to his parents. They needed to have a moment to talk through all the stress and all the things that happened and I'd let them, without me being there to hear the private information about their family.

"I'll take the Corvette, and meet you back at the house, I'll let you and your parents talk" I say.

"Okay" Nathan says.

"Be honest with them, it'll fix the stress you feel" I add before walking off past the Winters parents who exchanged looks with me as I passed them and walked over to the black car and got in the front seat.

I knew that tonight would change something between them what it would be I'm not sure but I hoped it would be for the better.

Starting the engine I drove off and began making my way back towards Hudson Valley.

I shouldn't even be driving this late at night but I also knew that I would only get better if I drove at night.

They held a certain peace that I didn't know, I knew both Adrian and Nathan went on them but as I drove along the weaving roads I understood more and more why they did it.

It was freeing, and the longer I sat behind the wheel the more I didn't want to get out of the car.

After a certain amount of time I pulled over to the side of the road and plugged in my phone before playing music through the speakers while driving along the roads, speeding off.

I was either getting used to speed or enjoyed the thrill it gave me.

Both ways I was fine with it as I glanced down to see I was doing seventy along the winding roads of New York state.

I also may have been enjoying it because there weren't any police this late at night.

When I did finally get along the side of the Ashokan Reservoir which was where Nathan's beach house was built I slowed and turned down the road before speeding off retracing the darkened surroundings that led me back to the gate of the house.

Reaching out of my window I hoped I could get into the gate and pressed my thumb to the scanner which began scanning it.



Three times.

Then the scanner beeped and the gate opened which was finally when I exhaled.

Driving through the gate I got to the garage and knowing Nathan there would be an electronic opener which I quickly found and pressed as I looped around to back the Z06 into the garage.

Once I parked the car I slid out and pushed the door shut before looking over the other cars.

On one specific visit to the Winters compound I had gone to find Nathan and I found him talking to his dad about a list of vehicles and where they were along with total collection cost, which total was close to four hundred million dollars, what was also more mind blowing was that Nathan's parents travelled enough to use all those vehicles, as the whole family believed in only having what you could use.

Which I suppose for a family of centi-billionaires is impressive.

Another thing was that despite all that the Winters Siblings were humble. Nathan followed Adrian's footsteps but he drove all his cars, Izzy owned a G-Wagon, and Abigail didn't have a car yet despite having her license though I wouldn't be surprised if she asked to only get one after she had her full license in August.

Locking the Corvette I walked over to the bootroom door and pressed the garage button, and then went inside.

Taking off my shoes I carried them back to the front door before heading upstairs to go to sleep since I didn't want to be awake any longer, I hadn't also realized the amount of fatigue looking for Nathan had caused me.

My mind then wandered back to my thoughts when my ex left to go cheat on me and why my brain chose to have that flashback.

I guess I need to get through my paranoia, and the only way to do that was allow myself to have an open mind around Nathan's way of coping.

However the one I wouldn't let him do is drink to get through his stress, it was one thing to do it to unwind then turn to it when in stress. People got in addictions by substance abuse for an eacape, and someone like Nathan I hope never has to go through that.

After undressing, I slipped under the covers even though I left the lamp on Nathan's side of the bed on for when he came home.

And with that I slipped into a deep dreamless sleep.
Wow its been like a week since I got an update done before twelve gawd damn. Leave comments, vote, and share, also have a good day. Anyways


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