Chapter Three

517 15 3

Nathaniel Winters

Letting go of her wrist I let her catch her balance before looking around the room that hadn't changed much since my dad was my age. A long cloth sofa sat beside a carpet with two more single person chairs along with a series of shelves each of us boys had decorated in our own way with a TV in the middle, along with a fireplace on the opposite side of the room where a set in lounge where all of us could eat was. On the back wall was the kitchen area with marble countertops, with a metal spiral staircase on one side that led up to the second floor with the giant clock face being both a window and part of the wall. The second floor was pretty basic by comparison holding four bedrooms for each of us boys.

"What the hell is this place?" Scarlett puzzles spinning around to face me.

"A secret room that me and the boys use, we also don't tell anyone about this place besides one another. I learned about this room from my dad" I explain though I don't have a single idea why.

Tossing my blazer over the back of the sofa I then walked over to the bathroom and pulled open a drawer to take out what I would need.

Soaking a cloth in freezing cold water, I wrung out the cloth and walked back into the room.

"Take off your shirt on your left side" I semi-demand and she seems slightly taken aback.

"I'm not fucking you if that's what you want" she says defensively and I scoff.

"You're not my type Scarlett, I'm trying to keep your top from getting wet. Now do what I asked".

Sighing she pulled her arm into the torso piece of the top and lifted the one side revealing her porcelain skin and black bra.

Reaching over I guided her to sit down and I knelt so that we were on the same level before I took the cold cloth and wrapped it around her arm so that the bruising wouldn't form.

I wouldn't say it out loud but I did feel bad about gripping her wrist that hard so I decided what better way to at least try to apologize by treating it.

"Hold that there I forgot something" I say.

"How do you want me to hold it?".

I then reached over and gently moved her hand so that it could grip the ends of the cloth.

"Just like that" I say before standing to go get safety pins.

When I came back I returned to kneeling, and pinned the cloth from the top, bottom, and middle before sitting back.

"Is that tight enough?" I ask looking into her golden brown eyes.

"Yes" she says and I nod before standing and walking into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry" I exhale not really expecting her to have heard me.

"Hmm" she hums and I turn around to face her to see that she was watching me with mild interest.

"I'm sorry for bruising your arm" I say leaning against the island.

"You're forgiven, besides you treated it so it would be like getting mad at a surgeon for stitching shut a gash that had blood residue around it" Scarlett says.

"That's an interesting analogy" I muse pushing off the counter as she stood walking towards me.

"Cryptic I know" she laughs shortly.

"Where did you come from, like what school".

"Lycée Louis-Le-Grand, it's a French private school, my family then moved here to New York state, they wanted me to go to Thornbrook because of it's reputation".

The Devils Of ThornbrookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon