Chapter Thirty Two

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Scarlett and I had both stayed on the yacht that night. Her parents approved it as they met me and well I wasn't going to do anything that would get my parents into another take over.

There were conditions though. One we had to sleep in separate rooms, two it was just for the weekend, and three I had to stay by her for the entirety of the trip.

My yacht was moored in the harbour outside Greenwich since the boat was almost too big to fit in the harbour.

I had named the boat Typhon that's what I had chosen, knowing my family had Greek heritage meant that I wished to name my own yacht or in the future considering I'm my fathers son, yachts after creatures from Greek Mythology.

I had been in bed for nearly two hours completely unable to sleep tossing and turning while staring at the ceiling design.

Saying fuck it I rolled to the side of the bed and walked to the window looking over the front of the boat.

Greenwich was the type of city I would escape to if I wanted to get away from New York City especially since I didn't actually crave the same money focused lifestyle as my peers. It's not money that should make someone happy or wealthy it should be the people around them that was the greatest wealth.

Suddenly I hear my door open and I turned to see Scarlett poke her head into my room her hair messy, and seemingly half asleep.

"Why are you by the window and not in bed?" she asks stepping into my room.

"Why are you out of bed, and in my room?" I counter and even in the dark I could see her roll her eyes.

It's her favourite past time.

"I couldn't sleep, besides it's a new place".

"You slept fine in the guesthouse when I lived there".

"Yeah I was also familiar with the lay out of your home by the time I went to bed" she points out, "and your yacht it giant in case you hadn't noticed".

"I designed it of course I noticed" I laugh softly while walking over to her.

"Can I sleep in here, it's more familiar" she requests, and I let out a sigh.

"Your parents said we can't sleep in the same room".

You've slept in the same bed before.

Apparently Scarlett could either read minds, or she had the same thought process as my subconscious.

We've slept together already" she says walking into my chest and resting her head against it. "Also do you honestly think I would say anything about it, I would get in more trouble then you".

I blinked several times without breathing until pulling in a breath and glancing at my bed.

"Alright, pick a side either side" I direct and she quickly takes the opposite side of the bed from where I had moved before a smile met my lips.

She's wearing one of my shirts.

"Where did you get that?".

Scarlett froze halfway into my bed.

"I may have found the extra stash of clothes behind your seat and took the shirt, I'm surprised you didn't notice it, I was holding it when we got on board".

"It looks cute on you," a blush rose onto her face and I immediately started to smile, "you can keep it".

Slipping under the covers I lay beside her before she scooted over so that we were spooning.

"I feel safe here" she mumbles and I smile softly more so then I had a moment prior.

She had all the confidence in the world yet she seemed to want to have someone who she didn't have to be strong all the time around, and I am glad it's here with me that she chooses to be like that.

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