Chapter Eighteen

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Later that night we all sat in the living room of my parents home after they had both gone off to bed with the rest of us all promising to be quiet though the house was soundproof so there was no real reason to try and be more quiet.

None the less I convinced all of them to go to the lounge that was also a bar area on the complete opposite side of the house.

"So what's the plan?" Zavier asks as he walked along the back area passing the lines of expensive alcohol my parents kept here.

"That's for us to figure out, also top shelf is off limits, that's my dads" I say.

"But that's where all the good shit is" Zavier groans giving me a defeatist look.

"You want to go ask my dad if you're allowed a bottle of his Macallan" I muse while putting my feet up on the suede tufted footstool.

"No" he quickly says while everyone else settled.

Scarlett sat next to me, Lucian and Amelia were on the opposite side of the couch, practically sharing the same cushion, Theo had taken one of the single chairs and sat cross legged and today's shirt was a dark blue with a flower design down one side with drawstrings through the V-shaped collar.

"Exactly" I say as he opted for a bottle of Imperial and set it on the counter before looking at me.

"Are you having any?".

"I'll have one" I say and Scarlett looks at me.


"I should have guessed you were a whisky person" she laughs as Zavier carried over a glass to me before she settled in the other single person chair.

"How about we all play truth or dare" Theo suggests.

"What is this sixth grade" Zavier critiques.

"Humour him Ambrose, maybe pull the stick up your ass out while you're at it" I quip, and Lucian and Scarlett scoff.

"Fuck you".

"I decline" I exhale before taking a sip from the glass.

"Theo you suggested it, you start" I add.

"Amelia truth or dare?" he asks.


"Dream vacation".

"Saint Tropez" she says before looking at Zavier.

"Zavier truth or dare?".

"Dare obviously" he says leaning forward.

"Spoonful of vinegar".

"Fuck" he mutters setting down his glass and walking off to go get the bottle and a spoon.

When he came back I had to fight the laughter that threatened to come out while he went to the counter where a sink was and filled the spoon before putting it in his mouth and instantly making a sour face before spitting it into the sink and washing it down the drain.

"That was absolutely atrocious" he comments and Theo laughs at him considering Zavier still wore a wincing expression.

"Truth or dare Theo?".

"Truth" he says with a smile.

"Exactly how fruity are you?".

"I'm gay Zavier" he replies with a completely straight face, and I laugh at how fast Zavier's face changed to utter shock from how blunt Theo was.

"You can't say you were surprised Ambrose, or that he was blunt" I say.

"Lucian truth or dare?".

"Dare because why not".

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