Chapter Thirty Three

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Stepping off the small boat that Scarlett and I had used to get to the shore we walked off towards the town that was considered the wealthiest in Connecticut.

"So what is the plan for here?" Scarlett asks.

"Absolutely whatever you want to do, I was thinking however that we do a little bit of some shopping besides the clothing that was gotten for you was guessed sizes so I imagine you will want to get actual clothing that would fit you right" I reply buttoning the middle button of my pea coat which was shielding me from the wind and leaves that were fluttering in the air.

"Okay but I will not be buying anything designer, because spending that much on a T-shirt is a little dumb" she says and I just lightly smile.

"I second that statement" I say reaching down and holding onto her hand before we made our way to the nearest street with tons of clothing stores.

I quickly found out shopping with Scarlett wasn't a short experience however that was mostly due to her collecting large amounts of clothing then trying all of it on in different combinations and having both me and her compare what we think about it though it seemed that we agreed very well on everything which made the whole process easier especially since she tried on about thirty outfits at the first place alone.

The experience was fun though it mean that I got to see what she liked, and what her style was. I had also noticed that if she ever went for something that was designer it was because she liked it not because of the name brand on it.

When we had gotten out of what by then was the fifth store I took the some of the bags from her hands so that I could have access to the nearest hand to me.

What could I say I enjoyed holding her hand and well I also wanted to show her some for of affection especially since I had planned to ask her out today, I had actually planned this piece of our day so that I could do it in a private place where it was just me and Scarlett.

I just had to hope it worked correctly.

Getting to a large park filled with scattered trees along with the occasional bench, along with floral gardens that made it seem welcoming for people.

The funny part was that no one was really there, all of ten people were currently there.

"It reminds me of the one at Thornbrook, just not as many flowers" Scarlett remarks resting her head on my shoulder.

"I think it's pretty" I say before we continued on our way through the park towards a wooden octagon gazebo in the middle of the park.

"You also find the simplest things enjoyable".

"Yes because that's what life is, enjoying everything it offers".

"That's a good view to have" Scarlett shrugs, "I wish more people we go to school had that same opinion".

"Yes well, when you realize just how much there is in regard to money simply making life easier it doesn't make it much better because you end up with a different set of problems from it".

"You mean like kidnappings, and theft".

"Or blackmail" I add as we got to the small structure which was where I planned to ask the girl beside me to become my girlfriend.

Setting down the bags I looked over at her as she reached out and picked up one of the flowers that sat around the gazebo in a garden, before admiring it.

She looked peaceful not having to worry about anything. I actually wondered if this was the only time she had ever been allowed to just sit and not have something happening that was more important or needed more attention.

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